Update on Ol' Lumens

Prayers for healing and strength for OL and prayers for wisdom and guidance for his doctors and caregivers.

What kind of mod the surgeon put on you old lumens :laughing:

What kind of mod the surgeon put on you old lumens :laughing:

O Lumens blog was updated on Wednesday. :+1:

http://dyingintylertx.blogspot.co.uk :+1:

His blog is so…honest. Old Lumens, i do not know you personally but wish I did, I have traveled your path through our medical system and know that feeling of helplessness, for now I am good. I hope to know you better and hope you know that you have touched many peoples lives, far and wide. all the best….


I’m hoping Justin gets to pull up a monster Bass!

Thanks for pointing out the update Andrew2007.

I am reminded of reading an interview of an aging Malcolm Forbes who was about to embark on a motorcycle roadtrip. The interviewer asked if he shouldn’t be slowing down at his age and Malcolm said no- you should speed up as you age because you’ve got less time left to get everything you wanted to do done in.

Catch that Bass Justin, and may you be able to complete more dreams soon.


OL - Best of luck getting your Big Bass at Lake Fork. I was there a few days ago and it is nice and full.
Fingers crossed for a record sized one mate.

G'Day Justin,

Hope you recover quickly & fully, so that you will be able to catch a Huge record setting Monster bass at lake Fork.

Best wishes & regards,



We miss you mate.

Thank you for the update MOL
Thank you for your honest words OL

I dont understand, your designing a budget lighted lure? or is it a budget light that looks like a lure? :wink:

maybe LOL should mean Lit Ocean Lures?

Anyway thank you both for being who you are.

Reading your blog brought me to absolute tears! I haven’t been very active on the forum lately so this is all news to me. I truly hope you continue to make improvements in your condition! You, your family, and your doctors will be in my thoughts and prayers!


Hoping for continued improvement!

Get well, OL.

hope you get well soon OL!

I hope OL chimes in again soon. I’m wishing him the best, and hope the news we get is positive

Hoping for better news soon… Healing takes some time though.
We are missing you. :wink:

Justin posted today at His Story

I feel for him, and others in his situation.

No words can describe the way I feel. All the best buddy.

The blog was never meant to be a burden on y'all or anyone else really. It was more me venting to start with and then just going through all the hassles one can get into with something like this. I have never felt the VA was terribly good with vets. I think the third party system with the Veteran's choice program has become even more of a mess and in fact even more vets are dying due to lack of care. What bothered me the most was that one well placed letter with a congressman and all of a sudden, all the doors were opened in a heartbeat, so the VA knows fully well how bad a mess they have and they continue to cover it up, like a cat covering poop.

There's enough already wrong with hospitals, but I have to say Trinity Mother Francis is the best one I have ever seen in my life. The people there were a step up, overall. I do think that we do not get enough teaching from doctors when something happens. they want to act and act right away and they do not line out everything in detail, with all the issues and options.

If I had known what I know now, I probably would have skipped the operations and went to hospice in the first place. with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, it's about a 20% chance of living a long time and I could have saved thousands of dollars of money that could have been left to my wife, if I had known all the options and all of the facts. I feel that the medical world is too wrapped up in knowing what is best and not enough in letting the patient have a well informed chance to make a decision, instead of a hurried decision with not enough facts.

All in all, it's like the old saying goes, No one gets out alive.

I apologize if everything I have written has bothered and offended some, because they feel that I should have kept it private, but most of you know I run my mouth whenever I want and don't worry much if it's politically correct or not, so if some feel I have overstepped the lines, then sincere apologies for that, but I am what I am.

I do not want sympathy. That is not, nor has it ever been a factor. I feel for my wife, who will be left behind, but not for me. I knew most of my family smoked and most of them died of Cancer, so I knew the risks and ignored them. I have no one to blame except for myself and I do not blame anyone except for myself.

It is what it is. Enjoy each day for a new day of life, for you know not when it will be the last day. Love and treasure your family. They will be all you have when the time comes.

Keep the light on...

I wish you the best Old Lumens. Thank you for writing us your story. You are an inspiration to our community and when the time comes, you will be missed.