UPDATE: I have created a Google Doc for this that can be sorted and updated easily. New figures added. ;)
I've just recently gotten around to running a bunch of my lights through my IS (Integrated Sphere) to see just what they put out. I still have a bunch lights to add to this so consider this thread a constant work in progress.
All measurements are taken with fully charged cells.
Posted output on high is taken after 10-30 seconds of being turned on.
Notes show what cells I used.
If a light is modded I will list the components modded in in the notes.
I’ve tested it against a couple ANSI tested lights and it appears to be dead accurate. Zebralite and Thrunite numbers match perfectly.
Match, Langcjl, Chicago X and I have all compared numbers on a test light built by Match and I'm happy to report that we are all within 1% of each other's IS results. Match's IS and mine are spot on with eachother's. Obviously none of our IS are ANSI certified but we are right in the ballpark. If any of the four of us put out OTF numbers we are all confident we'd all see the same numbers. You can take that FWIW. ;)
>>>>>>we are all within 1% of each other’s IS results. Match’s
That’s amazing!!! Can’t wait to see more lights added to the list. I’d love to know what a good old sk68 weighs in at, but I’m sure that you have a list a mile long to test.
Thanks for doing the mag aa. That’s a real eye opener. I had quite a supply of mini mag lights, figuring they would last me forever …. Little did I know.
I’m unsure of exactly what the SkyRay A01 clone is: a clone of a Skyray A01 (can’t find it online) +OR+ maybe the skyray clone of the xtar a01? Or something I am missing entirely?
If it is a skyray, does it have a model number?
I like those lumen numbers! I have a hankering for one of those high-lumen beasts or maybe the TrustFire F15. Thanks for answering. I’m ready to pull the trigger on one or the other.
Great info, JohnnyMac! I really appreciate having this info at my fingertips. I know I have a lot of the same lights as you do (Because you're always convincing me to buy lights with your reviews, dammit), so I look forward to seeing some others posted. Just out of curiosity, have you tested the Zombie Hunter yet? :)
The lumens rating on the HD2010 just confirms that to be about the best budget light in my collection. I'm also pretty impressed with the output from the Z8 on a 14500 - I think we both got really bright ones.
I have tested my last ZH I sold but unfortunately I only have High mode output numbers at hand but isn’t that the most important? This one used a CW emitter and reflector and mineral glass lens, not a TIR. List is updated with the info.
Ah, I seem to remember some came with a driver that just needed a link soldering in, driver swaps are cool though, I do like that little light. I may have to get one if a driver swap/link results in some damm high numbers looking at the company its keeping……
Cheers for the heads up. Great resource. :bigsmile: