September 6, 2013, 11:23pm
Nice find Dchomak. Thank you for reporting. Just in the nick of time too because I won’t be near another HD until Monday.
I think it is all stores. I tried to look it up on line and none of the stores I checked even have it in the system now. I burned up my whole lunch hour driving out to a far away store to try to find some. I haven’t seen any in the store near me is some time now. When I finally asked for help, they could not find SKU in the system. They tracked down an employee that knew some old DOS-type system and found them. Said they had 10 in isle 25. Not there, then someone said they saw them up front. The person up front said there were only like six, but some other employee moved them. This went on for a bit, then one employee spotted them on a high self. She actually spotted the $12.00 sticker. The front of the self was barely reachable by me (I’m 6’1”) and the lights were tossed towards the back of the shelf. They were loose and no longer in that display box. I’m pretty sure whoever put them there was hoping no one would buy them.
I found something to step on and grabbed 4. Stealing DenB’s idea, I think I may try to make light using 3 or all of them.
See? Sometimes you have to go the extra yard to get what you want. Someone once said “Only fanatics in this world get anything of importance done”
When I first started reading this thread 6 Xm-l light bar build the first thing that came to my mind was why not take the easy way out and bolt 6 - C8 heads on a heat sink and go from there. Now that the DST is only $12 we could use 6 of those!