[USA][Illumn] Armytek Wizard Pro XHP50 "Group Buy"(SPEC UPDATE)

PM inbound.

After reading your post, I just tried again but with the instruction of the new manual for the V3. Now it is working. The procedure is a bit different of the V2.

I got mine today and it’s awesome! Thanks Calvin

The UI gets much easier the more you use it.

Regardless of how many headlamps someone has...this one is needed :). I have several and I still like my Skilhunts but this XHP50 Wizard is the only one that I would use (and have been) in its place. Nice optic, multiple power levels, lightweight.

At this price it is well worth it to order 1

Overall I like it, but the 7 -> 100 lumen jump is just too big a gap in output. There are plenty of situations where one is too dim and the other is too bright.

Maybe it’s because mine’s the ww version but that F3 —> M1 jump just doesn’t seem that drastic to me. Whatever the actual lumen output is, it’s fine I think. In fact I find the overall mode spacings to be very good throughout, not perfectly linear but more than good enough. I’m normally more of a Zebralight fan but this is a seriously good headlamp flashlight.

I find the 3 Medium modes too close to each other, would be nice to have more spacing and a lower M1, the jump is indeed a bit too big.

I am loving mine. The UI has grown on me and I think I might actually like it more than my Zebralights. It’s similar to Zebralight in that I can shortcut to any grouping, but adding mode memory makes it easier to return to the mode I was in without jumping around if I’m turning it off and on a lot.

I really love the floody optic too… really just perfect for my needs.


Lol… I’m mixed on the mode memory. I don’t like the mode memory memorizing turbo mode. But its convenient for moonlight modes and medium mode. But generally I prefer no memory mode at all, but not a deal breaker.

But my favorite thing on this light is also the floody nature of it while throwing decently far to me. I love just being able to see so much while having a pretty large beam without that hotspot.

Please pm price and link. Thanks.

Can you PM me the price and link as well.


Thanks for the group buy Calvin.

Finally got the ArmyTek Wizard Pro v3 XHP-50 ordered in WW. I looked hard at the CW variant but the pics from Calvin convinced me I’d fare better with the WW for my usage of a headlamp. I should see it Saturday, will report my findings and try to get some beamshot’s to show Saturday night.

And yes, Thank you Calvin. :slight_smile:

Interested in the headlamp, please send information.

Is this group buy still active? It’s a toss-up for me between this and the zebralight h600 mk iii.

I got time to play with my ww wizard. Tint is awesome, turbo whatever is crazy brite. Ui is pretty easy to get on with. Awesome group buy, very happy.

Got my Wizard Pro v3 today. Overal build and finish is superb, as I’ve grown to expect from ArmyTek.

But, I’m only seeing a maximum of about 1200 lumens, not the 2100 or so claimed. (I got the WW version) I’m using an Samsung 30Q, will try a few other cells and see what’s shaking.

Tint on the warm white is nice, easy on the eyes on the lower levels but closer to white on the 2 uppermost levels. The UI is a bit strange for me, but relatively easy to figure out. Sort of odd that Turbo isn’t readily available for normal use without shifting to a Turbo group.

I’ve modified my Nitecore HC50 to around 800 lumens so this one seems a bit disappointing really and with the light coming from the side it’s also a bit strange as compared to the HC50 that emanates from directly in the center. I knew that a full Turbo from the XHP-50 in this small light wouldn’t be useful for much time, but not hitting the advertised levels at all, even falling below the advertised High with Turbo, somewhat of a let down. In all honesty, this too is something I’m coming to expect from ArmyTek. Love their design and finish, not so much their performance or lack thereof.

Wow, very interesting! Is this user error, or is Dale correct about this? Nobody else commented on the lack of lumens, perhaps this one is defective? At least the shipping was quick :slight_smile:

I couldn’t believe it when I was finding the mode levels, so I opened the pdf manual and made sure I was going about it right. I had to remove my foam surround in my light box due to how wide the optics make the beam profile, it could be that the ultra wide spread from the TIR causes the lightbox to read it low and the offset 90º head style makes it difficult to place it properly as well.

It’s bright, but is it Sinner 18350 EDC triple bright? (comparative lumens if you go by the sheet) or is it brighter than a Astrolux S41? Not sure. Mo testing…