(Mike C)
June 16, 2021, 10:30pm
I’ve finally put together a thread containing BOM and other build specific information: B17: 17mm +50W boost driver, DIY build information
This particular driver I built can’t deliver the same amount of power with the same source but I think that’s due to the soldering issues I’m having with the inductors: Those that have soldered large SMD inductors on your drivers, what was your method?
I’ve had this issue before. It’s not the mux in any case, I’ve bypassed it and power levels are the same. I’ll build another one and check but first I need to make a little SMD hot plate or similar, I need a more reliable method for soldering on these inductors.
I built a new v6 driver and it works without power issues. The MUX system works perfectly. I control MUX high/low and HDR FET on/off on separate pins so the MUX performance can be isolated and evaluated.