I’m looking for an AA flashlight for close range work.
Preferably a very wide beam with as little hotspot as possible.
With memory.
Any tips?
I’m looking for an AA flashlight for close range work.
Preferably a very wide beam with as little hotspot as possible.
With memory.
Any tips?
Manker E03?
Get a cheap SK68, remove the bezel, remove the lens, and the bare LED will give you a floodlight.
You can even put a flat lens in place of the original and put the bezel back on.
Bedtime in my timezone…. gonna read the suggestions tomorrow.
Found Astrolux A01 at 61% discount. Any good?
EDIT: That’s a AAA not a AA.
Review: http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?414612-Review-of-Astrolux-A01-Pics-and-Runtime
I thought you were looking for AA and not AAA?
That’s not the BLF Astrolux A01 (3 levels), it’s the cheap one-mode imitation that followed.
Also, not floody, and not AA.
Present day A01’s are 4 mode actually, low, mid, high, and strobe. With a sometimes next mode memory, sometimes not. It has a mind of it’s own.
> A01
Todd, would you mind putting that info on the contemporary A01’s flaky modes in one of the relevant threads? First time I’d seen anyone mention what they’re selling now.
A Sofirn SP10 A/B with some kind of diffuser on the lens! Has memory (with long press), and also direct access to Moonlight, Turbo and Strobe!
There is also the Sofirn SF10, in wich you can adjust the pill to fit a small pebbled TIR lens. The stock driver has mode memory, if I recall correctly.
Convoy T2, has memory and can be added a diffuser sheet to make the beam floodier!
Another one, more expensive and without memory, DGQ Slim AA Ti, that also fits one of those small TIR optics.
Last but not least, Wuben E05, has memory and can also be added a diffuser!
Lumintop Tool AA 2.0 : an awesome budget aa flashlight and it also come with a diffuser and a magnetic tailcap right in the box. If you get this light, remember to get the 2.0 version which is much better than the first ones.
Nitecore LA10: a bit low on power for my taste but it comes with high CRI emitter.
But for a worklight, i think the Manker E03H suits best. The Tool AA will be more versatile and can be used as an edc light.
You are totally right. Shouldn’t post here after bedtime
I’m looking for AA (but won’t delete the AAA in case somebody is looking for one on a nice discount)
> A01
Todd, would you mind putting that info on the contemporary A01’s flaky modes in one of the relevant threads? First time I’d seen anyone mention what they’re selling now.
Sure, no worries.
I have eagle eye x1 from gearbest but it’s not available anymore.
How about a convex lens aa flashlight?
Klarus Mi7
I’ve been ‘researching’ all suggested flashlights. I’m wondering why the runtimes and output differs so much between 14500 and AA.
The footnote in the table below states the tests were done using an 2450 mAh AA cell and a 750 mAh 14500 cell
I can imagine an AA cell can’t handle high currents and that’s why the max. lumens can’t be as high as from a 14500 cell.
Turbo shows a AA cell can deliver 270 lumen; so why not 270 lumen on high?, or 85 lumen on Med, etc
Why is that? I see that the 14500 output is roughly 3 times higher for the 14500. Does the driver only regulate the amps and because 14500 has triple voltage the power at the same amps is also triple?
The 14500 cells even outperform the Eneloop on low. I would expect the Eneloop with over 3x the capacity would shine the there. On the contrary, the 14500 does 2.7 times better.
What are the highest capacity 14500’s? The max. I found is 1200 mAh*. That would be 1.6x the runtimes.
*=To be honest the highest is 2500, but considering even 1200 is way above average (800) I think 2500 is just fake. Here
NiMh AAs can handle the current. Unless we are talking about some lights like the not-exactly-small Zebralight SC5 that reaches 500lm on an Eneloop Pro, pushing them close to their maximum, the limit would be the small boost driver that increases voltage from 1.x V to the 3.x V used by the led. The best 14500 at the moment would be the Vapcell 14500 that has a capacity between 950mAh and 1000mAh.
Seriously, just take a cheap SK68 and remove the lens.
It makes an excellent “mule” floodlight.
But still following this thread. Maybe I order one more
You don’t have your profile location filled in, and didn’t say where you are from, but these are great flooders
Zebralight SC5Fd
Zebralight SC53Fc
Zebralight H502d L2 or the H502d L2 right angle lights