WALLBUYS 25-50% off NEW YEAR Crazy promotion 2 hour sale on JAN 10th.Will you participate ?

its a shame that fenix headlamp is not available in this promo

and the xtar 18700s

those were really all i was interested.

but then again - i really dont need them :wink:

3 uf-t20 at xmas sale :slight_smile: great clone of an expensive wolf eyes (well, i’ve never handle the wolf eyes, but whatever)

also ordred the fenix headlamp last time :beer:

this time, I’m going to try and get 3 of the double emitter 18650 headlamps. i’m thinking of swapping in one color red led for 2 of them, and reworking the other to higher power and xm-ls

probably a couple zy-t13 too, since i can’t find 7g5v2 anywhere

Which double emitter lamps?

I have both of the sk98 lamps.
The sipik since they are available, I added heatsink a U3 and a 3A driver.

Both have on stock same style of driver with next mode memory. Ultrafire has a better heatsink, because the hole underneath the LED is smaller.
This is my favorite light…for this price unbeatable.
No heat issue on the ultrafire sk98 I have discharged 2 18650 tail standing them on the table at room temperature.

Anyone has this ??

Sipik SFL-8330

plain old credit card checkout (not through paypal) works great for me!
Actually it’s only method that I can use…

thanks garry i think i’ll get one during this sale.

quite shifty :angry:

Another one:

Now 20%
I’m out this time.

geez guys

so they made a mistake. I can understand that being annoying with a reservation system in place - but on the other hand - can you get it anywhere else cheaper? and even if you can, by what, 1 or 2%? then don’t buy it!

please don’t give them the impression that these sales aren’t helping their business - because it is.

I’m much more likely to shop there, even when there isn’t a sale, just because I’ll feel happy about getting a deal on a few things.

Sure, they could improve ship time, and their website, and get the latest products, but wth….they’re trying, and have some damn good prices….


Agreed, dthrckt, but I don’t like shifty sellers. There’s no hurry, think twice and make a final discount. If 2 days later that discount is the same or even better - perfect. But if you know that some items can be more expensive tomorrow… wait ’til tommorow to know that price and make a discount. Say something like “Guyz, we will try to make the best we can and put discounts we can afford”, so when you see “20%” you will know that this is the best offer they can make. And changes like they made I don’t like, personally.
Just my .02 :wink:

(EDIT: haha, boaz will like that quote above :bigsmile: )

yah, that is kind of shifty. and saying that’s all they could afford is a little shifty, since the last sale was 50% off - but who says they didn’t take a loss! just to get us spending there, or make some room…

anyway, i’m hoping to get a few great deals again this time. I’ll be up late!

Lol you are all mad.
Just relax and have fun with good prices, no reason to get weird.

My reservation list is in. Only 2 items, but that's all I interested in. The way this worked last time, you have to pay once they send the link, so there is no harm putting in a reservation now. If you don't like the final price, then don't pay. There's no commitment.

What did you buy ? What 2 items …?

My reservation was in before the price increase and I expect my final invoice to reflect that. I wont pay the extra they added, not cool.

Guys XENO E15 V2 T6 CREE XM-L series LED 430 Lumens 1X14500/2XAA waterproof flashlight. Has just been added to the wallbuys new year promotion. Discount offered is 30%. Xeno E15

OK this is getting ridiculous.

Wallbuys keeps moving pricing around. The least you can do is honor what you promised. But the discount % keeps changing and changing.

Now only one out of five of my items has original reservation price. Maybe even that might change tomorrow.

I’m skipping reservation, no point doing reservation if we don’t even know what price we’re going to have to pay. I’ll just see during the sale tomorrow what the final price will be, and if the site crashes, so be it. Don’t feel it’s worth the trouble this time.

I appreciate their attempt at a New Years sale, however, it's a bit too crazy for me too. Half the items I originally reserved have gone up in price since the sale price was originally posted. The savings are now so minimal that it's not worth the hassle of their strange purchasing process (for me anyway). For a few dollars more, I'll probably be placing my order with a different vendor.


for me, one item went down, the other is the same

i have no interest in reservation…price fluctuations or not…