WALLBUYS 25-50% off NEW YEAR Crazy promotion 2 hour sale on JAN 10th.Will you participate ?

Both of my 2 items went up, although you can see your original reservation prices if you use the area in your account that shows past orders. I took a screenshot of mine and saved it, otherwise I would not have been 100% of the price.

I am optimistic they will charge me the original price at the time of my order since they seem to be saving that in the online invoice. If they try to charge more it will feel like fraud and I will extract my revenge |(

Yes, the quotes I have reflect the price at the time I reserved. See your quotes here. Since it is a quote, they should honour that price. If the price goes up before the actual sale starts, that’s OK by me.
Remember, the sale hasn’t actually started yet. I do not see price fluxuations prior to the sale as a deceiving or fraudulent tactic. They are probably doing some (I imagine frantic) calculations and adjusting to keep their heads above water.
Also, as reservations come in, they may adjust the price to ensure they have something left for the actual sale :wink:

Strangely, I have an extra quote that I didn’t submit with an item I didn’t order… I’m going to ignore that one and will not be paying for it when they send the email.

It's my understanding that the reservation orders get processed after the real-time buyers. Saw that somewhere. Makes sense to me that those that participate real time get first dibs and whatever is leftover is graciously allowed to sell at promo prices to those who reserved.


Well, true the sale hasn’t been started, but the prices has been released AND advertised. It’s like getting flyers/pamphlets ad from a shop, selling an item for $10, and when you actually take your time to go there at said time the shop says “oh no our vendor raised the price, now the price is $13, sorry”.

Now think about it, in reality, someone must have read about the sale, looked at the prices, scheduled his/her time off for the sale to come and when the time comes to buy, all of those prices he/she read are now different.

Now that’s just NOT cool.

I do hope they honor the quoted prices for you guys though.

Based on the crazy promotion page, you are correct, reservations are processed into orders after the sale ends. It also mentions that any out of stock items are refunded and the rest of the order is shipped.
I guess that’s the advantage of shopping during the sale. I may do that for the one item I really would like to get.

If I have calculated correctly, the sale starts at 6pm EST, correct??? Tonight….

The promotion page (linkin my previous post) says 8 hours to go on the countdown thingy. that puts it around 10pm edt.

Yeah, 10PM to midnight EST is what I've determined.


the i4 was 25%OFF. now it is 20%OFF. lol. b**t*rd*.

+1 I concur.

yes I got 7:00pm pst

You can always check here if any ones not sure
Hong kong time:


I have to say I have never seen such hype surrounding a sale before. This could have worked out very well for Wallbuys, but as it happens I think this will be a disaster. OK some people may get some stuff and be happy, but from all the arsing around with their prices and discounts I do feel this is going to back fire on them and if it does, it will be no more than they deserve. Way to complicated and way to sneaky for my liking. Just think the actual sale has not even started yet. There is still plenty more disappointment to come yet!

For what its worth the only item I was interested was the I4 charger, but now they have lowered the discount, it is the same price at Fasttech! :~

+3 I’m in on the Sky Ray King ESP if it’s %50 off 8)

I know some people might take this as being a little harsh, but I think the only way to indicate to Wallbuys that “baiting and switching” of prices during a sale is a bad idea… is by witholding our dollars. They are a new company. They are trying to learn the business. So now is the perfect time to demonstrate that changing prices/discounts is a bad idea. Call it tough love.
It’s so simple, really, come up with a final sale price and stick to it for the duration of the sale. Everybody’s happy.

Sheez…the sale hasn’t even begun yet!

I see the reservation order forms as a courtesy…a convenience…not some guarantee. There might not even be enough items to fulfill all orders!

I don’t think it does any good to be so dramatic about all this. If you want a chance at a few good deals…then try. If not…don’t. It’s a crap-shoot. I got a few good deals using the reservation forms last time, so I might try again.

I’m going to tomtry live like last time. If the site crashes, it no big deal. I found a few items but I can live without them.

Fact is, when there is a real deal, you have to jump on it. The Xmas sale was the big one and some people missed out. There won’t be another deal like that again. I wish I had ordered a lot more stuff at Xmas but it was such a mess. I did manage to get the Small Sun T-13’I had been wanting.

The sale did begin, it was posted on the 7th and the order forms to be filled out and submitted based on the prices listed.

This piggy backs on the first list of items issued to be for sale. that then had the most desirable items quietly removed.

For instance the Fenix E21, and the HL21, I also had the impression that this sale, while lacking many items from the previous one, would also be 50%.

I would also like to know if one should depend on the reservation order being filled, or will we be getting cancellations?

Why do they call it a ‘reservation’ if your order is submitted last?

20 mins to go

TR 3T6

SR King