It has been quite a time since I bought my last flashlight and… I said I wouldn´t buy more… But, oh well, you know…
Ok, I finally want a multi emitter flashlight with 3 (or more) emitters. I am willing to spend 50€, but I´d be happy to spend less and still get a decent light.
I fell in love with the Shadow SL3 and read Foys review and other peoples opinion and the bad finishing/ anodizing really scares me off! I also read there´s a new version with a better ano, but I don´t know where to get it.
I´ve also seen pretty cheap Skyray Kings (3, 4 and more emitters) on aliexpress, but I am afraid I will get a model that´s not really good. Oh, and before I forget it: I can´t mod!
Are there different versions of the Trustfire 3T6? Do they all have the same brightness etc and is it still a good light?
- I want a multi emitter light (3+ emitters)
- 50€
- is there a GOOD version of the Shadwo SL3 (where to buy?)
- I dont really like the looks of the Skyray Kings, but where would be a good place to buy a good version of it?
- what good other lights should I consider?
- I can´t mod
I got 18650s (but batteries shouldn´t narrow my buy options at this point)
Please guys, help me to find a good christmas oresent for myself : D
Oh boy that Shadow looks so nice.
Just read an old review and indeed shame about ano
But boy is it pretty with those vertical cooling fins and sweet sweet reflector.
MrCG, what do you want it for? I mean the Astrolux S41S has multiple emitters in a stunning package and with 18650 tube longer runtimes (and still highly beautiful and luxurious)
And well we started the Q8 because SRKs have become so bad.
What I want it for? To be honest, for no pracitical use. My L2-style lights do everything I need, but I just WANT a multi emitter light for fun, for showing my friends when walking through the woods when it got dark etc.
And yes, that SL3 would be my absolute favourite if I could be sure to get one with a proper ano and a good price.
Aaaaany hint on that SL3 would be so much appreciated!
Supfire M6 is the best SRK-style currently available, will be eclipsed as soon as the Q8 is released. Both have different looks than the SRK, so worth checking out.
My modded SP03 is my most impressive multi-emitter light just because of the throwier beam profile. My TM16 will replace it after surgery is complete. I find that floody lights generally do not impress as much (unless you are in the 8000lumen+ category)
That said, the Q8 and M6 are not overly floody lights, they’re more in the middle of the spectrum. The Q8 should have pretty decent throw.
I don’t think output is that great for a light with three XM-L2 emitters, you can get the same output in a much smaller flashlight (not the same throw) , but maybe I just build to many small triples .
The anodizing isn’t the best, if you look at the picture( click for full size) you can see some places were it has chipped away.
I personally would not recommend the DQG if you are going for “wow factor” in the woods. It looks very nice, but even with 7-emitters it’s only rated for 2500 lumens, which I’m sure is because it couldn’t deal with the heat of higher output. That tiny size ultimately limits it.
I received a Trustfire 3T6 from ebay today. It´s barely brighter than my Solarfoce L2m (with XML2).
Is that because 3T6 are just not really brighter than one L2 (doubt that) or is it due to driver settings or something? Is there a (easy) way to mod it/ make it brighter?