What are you listening right now ?

after watching The Professionals (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Professionals\_(1966_film)),
i looked up Ralph Bellamys’ ex-wife, Ethel Smith. she was famous as the Tico-Tico Girl….

Incubus hits the spot with it's acoustic guitar hit Drive. The vocal harmonies are pure ear candy!

[Edit] From the official YouTube page for Boyce Avenue:

Boyce Avenue is a Sarasota, Florida-based band popular for its strong acoustic roots, which consists of the three brothers Alejandro (lead vocals, guitar, piano), Fabian (guitar, vocals), and Daniel (bass, percussion, vocals).

Nice job!

At first, I thought this was Incubus.

"Red House" by Jimi Hendrix
Live at Konserthuset • Stockholm, Sweden • 1969-Jan-09

This is Jimi for people who don't like Jimi.

Hendrix is fully focused on this version of the slow blues Red House. His improvisation is controlled and deliberate. You can tell that he hears every note in his head before he plays it. There is none of the crazy, frenetic, out-of-control jamming you sometimes get in Jimi's live performances.


For musicians: This link gives guitar tab for Jimi's solo in the intro.


[2023-Mar-26, 2024-Jan-27: Edited to replace dead link]

any and all Dolly Parton….

Phil Lesh and Friends
Live at Marshfield Fair Grounds • Marshfield, MA, USA • 2022-Jul-09

Just in case you were wondering what Phil has been up to this week, here are the receipts.

I've seen this group call the Terrapin Family Band, but whatever name you use, Phil's groups have consistently been among the best of the post-Jerry bands, rivaling even the "official" Dead reunions.

The set list for this show can be found here:


Phil's next show is in Colorado on the 17th, with String Cheese Incident as the opening act.

Well, that’s impressive, isn’t it? I recently listened to “Surf’s Up” all the way through in one sitting, and overall I was as impressed with that album as I am with “Pet Sounds.”

My take on the Beach Boys is similar to how some people feel about Bob Dylan.

Even though the Beach Boys are not one of my favorite acts, if you throw a few song titles at me, it's pretty easy to get me to say yes, of course, I like that tune. Next thing you know, I will have confessed to liking more than a dozen songs, many of which are out-and-out masterpieces.

Like I said, the way a lot of people feel about Dylan.

Against this backdrop, Brian Wilson won me over when I saw him in concert in the early aughts. Sure, there were a few clunkers in the set list—songs like Be True to Your School, and so on—but about 80% of the show was excellent. I can't remember the exact number, but there were at least 11 people in the band, with—count them—5 keyboard/synth players!

The best thing was the vocals. Most arrangements had 7 or 8 people singing, often with 5 distinct harmony parts. That meant there were 5 people singing different notes, and 2 or 3 others singing octaves or doubling up somewhere. It was gorgeous. And the music still rocked. This was not some erudite, long-hair crap.

The show was unique. I have seen over 100 major rock acts in concert, and I have never heard vocals like that before or since.

So, yeah, if you push me, I'll admit it. I'm a fan. A big fan.

Thanks once again for some jam band listening.

Glad I'm not the only one liking this Phil Lesh concert recording. Made just seven days ago, the sound is great, and the band came out hot. Right off the bat, they were really feeling the Viola Lee Blues thing.

I've never seen a three-guitar incarnation of Phil and Friends, so this was indeed a pleasure.

1 Thank

nice ...


Simply amazing