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A fairly low-key FW1A Pro mod today. I wanted to swap out the stock XHP50.2 emitter in an FW1A Pro with a 5700K XHP50.3 HI.

No TIR or Aux LEDs for this one, so also no need for a T1616 upgrade. I left the FET+7+1 driver as stock, except for flashing an up-to-date Anduril 2. I’m using the standard fw3a-219 version, in conjunction with a Samsung 35E battery, to limit the maximum current to the emitter. I want to avoid burning the emitter on turbo. I don’t want to take any risks exceeding the official maximum rated current (6A for the 3V emitter).

One other small change to the light is the addition of a GitD O-ring in the bezel.

Here are a few photos comparing the FW1A Pro before and after the emitter swap. The beam shots are all taken with my phone camera with white balance set to 4500K and with fixed ISO and shutter speed.

Stock XHP50.2 emitter (above) vs. XHP50.3 HI emitter (below)

Stock XHP50.2 emitter (above) vs. XHP50.3 HI emitter (below)

Beam: FW1A Pro, stock XHP50.2, 6500K (I think), stock reflector

Beam: FW1A Pro, XHP50.3 HI, 5700K, stock reflector

Beam: FW1A, 519A, 5700K, Jarmay TIR

Beam: FW1A Pro, SFT40, 3000K, Yajiamei TIR

For me, the XHP50.3 HI gives a nicer beam than the XHP50.2. It’s a little more focussed and nicer to look at. However, both are a bit green and I much prefer the tint on the 519A in the FW1A.

I’ve also confirmed for myself, by doing this exercise, that I do prefer a TIR beam in the FW1A / FW1A Pro.

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