What did you mod today?

What host are you looking to put it in?

FW3A 519A 3500K

ā€¢ Attiny 1616 adapter
ā€¢ RGB Lume1 board
ā€¢ Swap 0402 resitors to 1.8K for blu, red and 5.6K for green
ā€¢ Neal black clip

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L70 Hi in a convoy Z1, just with the 6a 12 group driver for now until more 3v8a bucks come in the mail.

I get round emitters in zoomies now. Iā€™m in love with this thing. Positive DUV and all.
I need to sand down the gasket more, get it as flush as possible with that not-reflective reflector thing, hopefully get rid of that spill. Still a work in progress

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That looks great. Iā€™ve been meaning to pickup the Z1. My only zoomie experience is the ol sk68. Iā€™m sure this is leaps and bounds over that one.

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You could use the 12A driver and get a tiny bit more power too

Its tempting. My 8a drivers could be weeks awayā€¦I canā€™t believe the intensity just with the 6amp driver. This beats an sft40 maxed out to my eye. Theres just so little info on them. Do we know that it has similar Vf to a yinding? I assume it does, but idk. Theyā€™re so delicate when youre handling and reflowing them too. But it does feel like it has a little more to give.

Not sure but it is a well made host. Really well made. Itā€™s still a zoomie, with all the typical zoomie issues. I ordered mine with a 519a, because I bought it to swap the emitter and the 519a was the cheapest one. When it came in I thought, ā€œwow, this is really niceā€. Then I actually used it and thought, ā€œwow, this is really stupidā€ lol

But with the L70 hi, and Iā€™m sure with similar emitters, itā€™s really fun and actually usable. Iā€™m getting a second one for sure.

In retrospect I shouldā€™ve asked Simon what driver the sft40/culpm1 version comes with, because if it comes with the 8a buck it wouldā€™ve been worth it to order one of those instead, and based on the price difference it probably does. But it doesnā€™t say anything in the listing. I didnā€™t think about it at the time.

Sunwaman M11r Elfin, replaced XM-L2 with Domed 519a 5700K. This is the lowest DUV I have ever seen for any Domed 519a:

6 Thanks

Guys Iā€™ve been looking at my Astrolux FT03 and itā€™s feeling a bit outdated with the SST40.

I need suggestions for a swap.

Thought about the SFT-40 but already have a L21B with it.

Iā€™m thinking on swapping a XHP50.3 HI 3v.

Anybody knows how it handles the FET driver and what output can I expect?

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Kind of a lateral move imo.

Lots of videos comparing the two. Hereā€™s one that i didnā€™t watch but looks ok. Probably using the 6v version though. But thereā€™s lots of others out there.

The xhp50.3 will have a nicer tint. The sst40 will probably have less shift. Output will probably be pretty close, depending on the bin. A lot of it will probably come down to the bin, the CCT, and how high a CRI you go

You could get the new 5000k sft40

Well. Thatā€™s something different at least. I am waiting on the 3000k version. I could go for a SFT-40 3000k if it doesnā€™t take too long to release it.

Ya, Iā€™m waiting on 3000k too. Kind of pricey just to get a slightly warmer and maybe greener version in the 5000k right now.

The 50.3 hi will have a nicer tint for sure especially if you have one of the really green SST40s. But idk. Itā€™s not like itā€™s Nichia level tint

Try the osram culp, is similar to sft40 but a little bit of spot

I have a m21c with a dedomed 2700k 519a. Itā€™s just gorgeous beyond imaginationā€¦ not very powerful though.

Iā€™m yet to buy this emitter. But i feel itā€™s made for smaller lights. Otherwise the beam is so thin that becomes unusable.

I want to try it in a S2+ or something like this.

8 amps are not for smaller light in my opinion. In alternative try SBT90 or Ynding 3000k

Would the sbt90.2 be ok with the stock FET driver of the light?

Installed a dedomed 2700K 519a w pebbled tir into Sofirn SC21 Mini. This light is available for adoption.

4 Thanks

Yes but you have to change led pcb

Hmm yes. I was trying to stay in the 5050 footprint for this reason.

I havenā€™t opened the light yet but I doubt itā€™s a regular sized mcpcb like 20-25mm. Getting a bigger 9090 mcpcb will prove tricky. Iā€™ll measure it once I get the chance to open it.


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