What did you use your flashlight for today?

YIKES ! You are a brave one entering a TEXAS ATTIC in the Summer! I can sympathize falling down the ladder. 3 weeks ago I was moving a table saw across the back yard in a dolly (daytime no flashlight needed). Stopped for a moment, then pulled backwards to position it and that “little man in the grass” must of grabbed my ankle….down I go. Did my best to keep it from fallin on me by executing a blind backwards leap and landed squarely on my back/shoulders… what a THUD ! Yeh, 3 weeks have passed and it still makes me cry to take a deep breath. (Old injuries re-injured) Stay safe !

ps: maybe I would have better luck moving stuff in the night WITH a flashlight…. :person_facepalming:

A fall like that one you took used to take our breath and we’d carry on, nowadays it has MUCH more lasting impact… not fair! lol

I better with heat than cold, but man 132º is hard to breathe!

I BBQ’d an ant hill (as well as my hand) with a D4.

LOL at the ants….next time throw down a piece of mesquite or hickory before firin’ up’…if your gonna BBQ might as well get the whole effect…… :smiley:

As long as it’s not in the southwest desert; them critters grow to the size of 18-wheelers!

And I thought Carpenter ants were bad. Damned things wouldn’t stop singing…

As i use lights daily, even more so or for longer duration’s in the day anyway. I always swap about to keep things fresh(interesting). Used the H2r to inspect inside a 4-t silo for bridging.

Bellow on outside(7 of them)

The 8th is just a 4t silo

Also the z2 with 219b triple

d4vn and m20vn as back up……………you know, in case my other 8 fail :slight_smile:

TK-On the ZL front, my fav still is the sc62d, love that 5000k luxeon T……………even though its only 320lm max, i dont care nor found i need more in general use.
Used it on compressor maintenance a few times

Cool pics of silos ven!

Thank you :slight_smile:

My cyan D4 18350 has been my EDC for a while. Today it briefly became a dog toy.

I frequently drop a pill getting out meds for my twins, and when I screwed the tail cap down to unlock the D4, Ringo, the magnificent neurotic rescue border collie mix sloberhead, saw the flashes (he was watching me closely already), and went for my light like he does for the laser pointer. He’s never really taken an interest in my EDC light before.

The slobber wiped off my hand and the light, and I found the pill before he did, so all was swell.

Awww. He’s a beau.

I went clubbing last night. Not to a nightclub, but up on the roof killing rats.

6D Maglite and a burlap sack, that’s all you need.


Are there any politicians left in NYC now Lightbringer?


Sorry, couldn’t help it…

My Aunt’s computer monitor went out, internal power supply failed, so after hooking up her new one I brought the old 26” Samsung home to see what was up with it. Opened it up and found 3 capacitors overheated (she left it on virtually 24/7/365 for a decade) In the disassembly process some of the screws hit the floor. My Quad EDC sits on my waist, always ready, shows those little screws right up, makes it easy to spot em if you hold the light down low, parallel to the floor, stuff shows in high relief. :smiley:

Ordered 3 new Samsung capacitors, hope to have this nice monitor back up and running for $21. :wink:

Too many. They’re like weeds, or mold.

last night I used my Nitecore NU30 to retrieve my phone from behind my desk using my extension grabbing tool

and then the Q8 I knocked over, although easier to spot due to the green switch led

then the wife saw the headlight and wanted a few things from the attic
and a few more things to move up to the attic
didn’t fall, just skinned my knees mucking about up there and the obligatory head bump on the way out

I used my S1 Mini to inspect my throat. I’m no otolaryngologists but I am sure throats aren’t meant to be bright red and puffy. :weary:

So that's what a raccoon doctor is called.

The air conditioning died last week, right before the hottest day of the year so far. Probably won’t be repaired for at least a week. So I’ve been doing whatever I can to avoid any unnecessary heat, including light bulbs. Have been using a BLF Q8 as a lantern instead, which works pretty well. It’s like a bottomless candle minus the heat and fire risk.

My wife used my MF01 today like a boss.
I was out, she wanted more light in the room so she grabbed the nearest flashlight, turned it on and left it tailstanding for 30 minutes. :sunglasses:
Thankfully on high because turbo was hurting her eyes.
And she unscrewed the body to turn it off because she didn’t knew how to turn it off using the switch :smiley:

Not good! It’s been very hot and humid here, but the air conditioning has been working well. I can’t imagine how bad it would be without it, let alone all the complaining I would get from my family. I hope you get it fixed sooner than later.