What did you use your flashlight for today?

Visiting our 3 year old granddaughter for the 4th of July holiday, we of course took her to the local town park for the fireworks. She loved them with no fears.

I gave her a Fenix E01 to help navigate the darkness. She quickly figured out the twist of the on/off switch, and I think (hope) we have another flashoholic on our hands.

Had an interesting call-out last night.
Request from family member to bring flashlights to help find a snake living under a wooden hut.
This was a residential cottage located behind a restaurant for staff members.

Took along a few favourites, L6 - Q8 - D4 - C8 - C8F.
Snake - estimated 2.2 to 2.3m black mamba, didn’t stand a chance.
Caught by local reptile authority (on the left in photo - barefoot!), for release into the wild.

As much as I love the intimacy of my man-cave, the bench grinder stays in the garage. Had to grind down a translucent nylon ring for a lighted tailcap. No matter how many light I install in my garage, it’s never enough when handling small objects. So once again I put my trusted Enogear SS 14500 on the brim of my cap.

It’s not what I did with the flashlight, it’s what I lost.

NEVER bring a flashlight to a first date.

Cheers to a fun thread! :partying_face:

A while back when it was Daylight Savings Time, it was pre-dawn dark when I got out of the house to get to work – I clock in at 6AM and commute by bike every day I can. I live in a slightly less developed part of the city, so a good quarter mile of the route is unpaved, and for the whole rest the streetlights are that horrendous low CRI sodium gas lamps. Not exactly the best conditions to avoid tyre punctures :confounded:

After a while of experimentation that included holding a light between my fingers as I pedaled, I found that the best solution was to clip a light bezel-down to the outer side of my glove. That way it always points ahead when the hand is on the bars and I’m free to work the shifter and brake on that side. (I’ll post pics when I can.)

To that end, I found that the tight and mostly uniform beam of the Convoy S2 at 300-ish lumens (Biscotti 50% mode), with Convoy’s own clip, is the most comfortable combination thus far. The Thrunite TN12 has a more secure clip, but no middle ground between 280 and 800 lumens, and it’s longer so it wobbles more.

As for today today… does using a Tool AAA CRI to help me wake up count? :smiley:

I’ve been burning off moribund AAs in my LuxPro 2×AA (stays on longer’n my SF13, which unceremoniously blinks and shuts off rather’n trying to wring the last bits of juice’n’pulp from the dried-up cells), and found a great second use for it.

I got a “fleece”(?) throw-blanket which also doubles as a van de Graaf device. I can even feel my arm-hairs standing on-end and being pulled as I walk through a doorway, then can pull over a half-inch-long spark from my finger when I get too close to anything grounded.

So getting a death-grip on the Luxpro and then touching the bezel to what’s grounded, instead, eases the shock, quite literally. Maybe it’s the ano acting as a current-limiting resistor, who knows. I can still pull a huge spark, but at least this way it’s not like getting jabbed with a knife.

I tend to use the metal band of my watch to discharge the handrails and shelves where I work, moreso during dry season when the air humidity is low and favors static buildup. Tried once with a key and no joke, the spark was almost a fingernail long and traveled from the tip of my thumb to halfway down my forearm. It didn’t hurt, but my hand felt so weird I decided to not try anything handheld again.

Leeme see……three guys and a snake. LOL

What about three snakes and a guy? I’m all for animal rights! Maybe……

Quick story….

I’m in the woods hiking. The area is not known for snakes, but of course I still have a healthy fear of them.

Walking, dodging some branches and……come face to face with a snake. FACE TO FACE. About a foot away. On a branch. Don’t ask me what it was, I was too busy trying no to put a dump in my pants and running the hell out of there.

From then on, no hiking for me unless it involved a car drive-by or mid winter cross country.

Or a wide open trail with no risk of danger noodles at face level? Maybe not even that? lol

Bit of a fun one a few hours ago: apparently a colleague that clocked in a bit before me heard some sharp forceful banging in the library where I work. At 6AM. Since it was all I had, I used an older Thrunite T10 in very yellowish NW to sweep the shelf rows and AC machine rooms in search of anything suspicious.

Nothing. The most I caught was a single bang like a door slamming closed, but it was so dull it had to have come through a wall, so definitely not inside the building.

Searching for people and looking for things around the house.

Not today, but last Saturday: took my bicycle to the bike shop to fix a punctured tyre, and ended up using my C8 on 100% to help the mechanic find the tiny metal shaving (old car tyres drop a lot of those) on the treads. We were very close to the front door of the building, too, but the light helped more than the sun did in extracting that nuisance.

Sadly, there were two punctures to patch up (so double the price) and I found out my rear wheel’s rim is a bit bent DX

2 words: Mr Tuffy.

Checking / chasing rabbit out of the backyard before letting the Standard Poodle out the door for his nightly constitutional. Loves to hunt rabbits and can run like a greyhound. Not a pretty sight if I don’t clear the area first. Q8 fits the bill well.

Lurcher Poodle then?

Doesn’t explain too much, but let’s go anyway. lol

Wow I just googled “lurcher poodle” then noodled around a bit and see what the term means as it relates to dogs. Noted others that swear their poodle is “15/16ths greyhound.” When inside, he has bursts of play, but mostly just lazes around. Maybe he is part greyhound.

Thanks for putting me on to that. Standard poodle (or even a 7/8ths version) really is a great dog. Just wish my wife wouldn’t have him cut fancy too often.

Visualise bulletproof tires. Goes between innertube and tire.

Aaaaaaah, gotcha.

Used my TA H03 while changing the light switch in the bathroom

Used a MF01 at work for about 6 hours to have additionnal light to cable D-sub connectors :

I always have a BLF A6 in my toolbox, a RRT01 in my left (thigh~~)pocket and a tool AAA in my right (hand~~)pocket of my work pants
Recently i’m also using a Jetusolis 6500K.

RRT01 old version :