What 'good' 26650's??

I've read that CPF review before - not very useful at only one discharge level of 10A, yet he seems to criticize test results of OPUS chargers showing 5500 mAh, but (big but), what was the discharge level? Well, like 0.5A or 1A most likely, not 10A. So, take the very limited review with a grain of salt. Plus it sounds like these are cell #'s 2, 3, and 4 he ever tested? Not saying it's bad, just has to be taken in perspective, and very specific to his usage.

The reseller's link is good, but I'm thinking Jon can't read Chinese, probably has his own sources over there, but who knows. Think Richard has been asked bout them too. It certainly is a risk for a reseller knowing there are two different types of these cells out there, and seems like rolling the dice which version you will get.

We really need HKJ to test a pair, but it's tough to try and convince him to add them into his queue - I've tried and failed miserably before (I think he took my begging the wrong way)... I don't think it's a cost issue, just priorities.

ordered four, with code total was $19.54 shipped. thanks for the tip !

Well TomE I can tell you I ordered 4 6each of these 26650s on your recommendation and I am very happy with them i have a opus 3400v2 charger/analyzer iam still learning to use it but they all seem to be pretty consistent,if you would like and guide me how to test these batterries i would be happy to try and test these out for you.

Ok here is the update asked for and promised. :+1:

I ordered these 6 LiitoKala 26650’s on 10 November 2016 from Banggood. (free shipping)
They arrived today (much to my surprise really) 1 December 2016.
I am not going to have a chance to test these for a few days as I am going to be away. But when I return I’ll test them and report back.
Picture below………….

EDIT: I forgot to mention, 5 of these were delivered with 3.81V while 1 was 3.80V.
Just thought I’d mention that so as to be thorough. :smiley:

Nice!! 50A's!! I got 4 coming from BG - should be delivered tomorrow.

Quality battery. With regard to consistency, the only gripe I see is the fact that retailers have not published separate listings for the two different known cell revisions (A/B). Without major importance, as both As & Bs are close enough to be teamed safely, imho.

Among great power delivery, best deal on capacity/price ratio, too.

On the other hand, certain “rewrappers” seem to have no qualms in refilling their cell rewrapping/packaging machines with whatever they have at hand for whatever reasons. Example: Test/review of Gpower 18650 -25A- 2600mAh (Yellow-black) :facepalm:

Cheers ^:)

Mine arrived yesterday, “50A” too. Showing 5030mAh and 5080mAh on the first two I tested in the opus 2.2. The first set I got a few months ago showed about 100-150mAh more. /shrug

Good enough for the price.

OK, I got back and have had the opportunity to ‘test’ these on the Lii 500 the same way I tested the first 12 I got. (bought 4 at a time back in June, July, & August respectively from GearBest.)

The first 12 and the last 6, received in December (bought from Banggood because of free shipping); have all been “tested” the same way on the same Lii 500 charger using the NOR test.

The first 12 were all delivered at 3.79V, the last 6 were delivered at 3.81V for 5 of them & 3.80V for 1.

All batteries were put in the charger and tested as they were received.

Anyway, does anyone remember the song… “The old gray mare, she ain’t what she used to be

Well, I have a new rendition of that old song…… “The New LiitoKala 26650’s, they ain’t what they used to be”. :smiley:

NOT that they are bad, I AM NOT saying that; but something has changed. (I have no idea what)

The first 12, mentioned above average _ 5172.667 mAh & 13.971 mR

The 6 I just got, pictured above average _ 4956 mAh & 27 mR

So there it is. I still think they are great batteries, I just wish I knew what the difference was so as to satisfy my curiosity. :wink:

I have a dozen of these cells bought at the begining of summer (our summer here in the UK) May I think ?
They all tested over 5000mah, iirc around 5150-5200mah.
The early cells all exceeded the claimed 5000mah capacity by about 3-4% but these later cells basically match the claimed capacity.
An average of 4956mah on a cell with a claimed 5000mah capacity is very very good.
These later cells are still a very good 5000mah genuine cell even though they are a couple of hundred ma less than the earlier cells.
It does look like something has changed though.
Those of us that bought the earlier version got lucky :slight_smile:

Well said ‘bella-headlight’. I totally agree…… I really like your last sentence. :+1:
I’ll most likely never know…. but I am curious to know what changed. :wink:

I have just checked through my Lii 26650”s & I have 12 that look like the upper cell in the pic & 4 that look like the lower pic.
I had forgotten about that later 4 cells that I bought as they are in storage.
The upper cell is one of the early 12 cells I bought & the lower cell one of the 4 later cells I bought a couple of months ago.

The info on the side of the cell is completely different.

Inconsistencies suck, imho. They made a great product, and of course it still is a great product but, as I previously said, I'd have preferred an explicit A/B product differentiation… and no cutting corners. :-/

Hope to see these later batches performing good in power delivery.

By the way, as I've said at other times, though their price may not be that good, these are likely to be like the good ones: Soshine NCR26650 3.6V 5000mAh @FastTech

Have a nice day. :-)

Cheers ^:)

Hmmmm, all of mine are like the top one in your picture. The printing is exactly the same except for the “VB” line on the bottom right, it has some different numbers and letters

The top cell in the pic is one of the original 12 I bought, 8 from GB or BG (can”t remember now) in 2 separate orders & 4 from AE, which are all the same, before you got any I think ?
The 1 in the bottom of the pic is one of the later 4 cells I got, from I think AE ?
The 12 older cells I have have a very slightly different top to the newer 4 which although they are flat tops allows me to use them in series.
The tops on the newer 4 have the top very slightly recessed below the wrapper meaning they won”t work in series without a magnet or connector.
Do your latest batch work in series as they are ?

The 6 I just got are like the 12 bought back in the summer. In certain combinations some of them will work in series, but there is no rhyme or reason to it. The ‘tops’ on some are just a bit higher than others. :person_facepalming:

It is silly to me that they do not just put a standard top on the batteries that could be used in series. All it would take is for it to be slightly taller and that would solve it. Not just on this battery, but many brands would benefit from this.

How many of these do you have all total…. 16 ???

Yes 16 in total :open_mouth:
I had completely forgotten about the last 4 I bought, I just checked the voltages on them when they arrived & put them in a storage box in a drawer.
I also have 4 Basen, 4 Keeppower & & 3 Thorfire 26650”s.
I better get some more 26650 lights :person_facepalming:

Yeah, I am in the same boat with 18 LiitoKala’s & a dozen or more others of assorted brands. :person_facepalming:

I think I might possibly have a “problem” & be in need of ‘professional help’………… :wink:

I have a large drawer & 2 small cupboards jammed full of cells, flashlights, headlamps, chargers & bits & pieces to do with this addiction (DMM”s, calipers, assorted lengths of wire, magnets, soldering station etc).
I do not have a problem :laughing:
I am at present researching into buying a 4th DMM as I really need another one :person_facepalming:
I could probably do with some more Liitokala 26650”s as well :wink:

Yep, I can relate……… :person_facepalming:
If we lived on the same continent, maybe we could get a “Budget” rate for ‘professional help’….
should we both ever decide we really ’need’ it of course…… :smiley:

You can never have to much rarely used stuff in a drawer or cupboard can you ?
I am sure there is a reason I bought 6 identical cheap Chinese 26650 zoomies, I just can”t think of it at the moment :person_facepalming:
It was probably the same reason that I have bought 9 identical fishing reels :open_mouth:
I do not have a problem :stuck_out_tongue: