So, like the title says, what lights do you put into your car(s) and why did you pick those lights?
I put a modded skyray in the trunk of all my cars as I feel it is the best all around general use light going, it fits in most cars easily, has lots of battery power and lots of lumens. Basically if you can get to the trunk to get it, it will do what you need. The Q8 will most likely be my go to light once it is released for this purpose.
I am having a harder time deciding what to put in the front console / glove compartment. I had a P60 for years but it is time to upgrade. Right now I am stuck between a VG10, Convoy M1 and F13 / MT-12.
Also a breaker bar is in the car lol Honestly i have become so lazy i bough a cheap rattle gun that plugs into the cigarette lighter. No manual labor for me lol
Convoy m2 in 4b flavour(iirc that is, its warm anyway and would put it around 3800k). On mode group with 3 levels(no discos for me) . Issue free, nice flood biased beam of usefulness.
Moderately modded MAG-Lites in each car, still running on Primary “D” cells. The mods were very minor because that’s the best I could do at the time. But, they’re still much brighter than stock. Using primary cells means never having to worry about self discharge or Summer heat.
None. Where I live, a car getting busted up and its insides robbed is common enough to almost be trivial. Mine’s low-profile since it has an alarm system and no radio, but I have no insurance and every single cent is legit precious.
What classifies the closest as a “car light” is a Convoy C8 8x7135, XM-L2 T6-4C and OP reflector, but that lives in my backpack, as I almost always have it when I drive off anywhere.
EDIT: Maybe a 2xD M@g that I hold no love at all for… but I don’t want any perps to have even that. Not a fan of facilitating a robber’s future “jobs”.
Convoy s2+ stays in my bag thats in the truck or car. My edc carry of x6 or c8 in my pocket. And then a back up 6aa energizer 900 lumen triple flashlight and 4 18650s as back up just in case
Starry light sa22 with lithium primary’s. Good light for the car because its occasional use and you won’t be taking it apart to change batters often
btw illumn still has these in there special deal page for 15$
Big Bang for buck :money_mouth_face:
I don’t have a dedicated “car” light. Instead, I have my EDC that’s always in my pocket. If I’m out at night, it’s a 18650-sized tube light. My normal daytime EDC is my Trustfire F20.
Pretty much whatever I happen to have with me. Currently that would be an original BLF X6 with an xhp50 and ledil iris optic, along with a skilhunt h15 somewhere in the back seat.
…in the car, (who wants to fish EDC out of the pocket?) on the front seat, generic SPK-68 clone, or it may be genuine, 1xAA alkaline, 1-mode
it works
Sunwayman C22C coming with me everywhere Not just in the car. It has magnet in ttailcap so you can tap it anywhere. And with the dual leds (1 on front and one on the side) you always can find a metallic spot to tap on and orient some light right where you need. It has a glass breaker on tailcap and It’s smaller than an S2+. The power is enough around the car. And for extra spare light I have an extra cheap AA battery SK68 in the glovebox.