What is your favorite beverage.

My latest favorite is vitamin water zero. Tastes great, no calories, ingredients seem healthy.

I’ve been drinking unsweetened Strawberry-Kiwi Kool Aid, with added artificial sweetener and a bit of lime juice.
The lime juice gets rid of the aftertaste that I don’t really care for.
I don’t like drinking sugary drinks, and caffeine makes me stay up too late. :+1:

Hojicha unsweetened iced tea.

1 Thank

All kinds of tea, cold brew tea, the icer the better,Get up in the morning and take a big sip

1 Thank

Coffee, coffee, coffee, and probably also coffee if I’m in the mood.

Not into that fancy-pants foofy coffee that gets crapped out by gender-dysphoric albino monkeys or anything, but I’ll get 5lbs at a time of whole-bean and grind it on demand.

Seltzer, too. Cold water with a sploosh of lemon-juice. Grapefruit juice. Milk.

Unno, depends on my mood as to what’s my “favorite” at the time.

I dont consider coffee a beverage even though it may be by definition.

Is more of an essential part of life.

Smoothies are good. Throw a bunch of frozen fruit in a blender with milk, scoop of vanilla ice cream, scoop of yogurt. Is good

Coffee gives me legitimate panic attacks. Ended up in the hospital once. Amphetamines, no problem. Could do those everyday without issue. Coffee i can’t touch

Fancy-pants foofy coffee but only before 1pm else I don’t sleep… and only the real stuff, not beans crapped out of any animals…

Evening beverage of choice is old man beer (ales), sometimes an IPA, sometimes good wine.

Chocolate soda - As made in a real soda fountain establishment. Preferably by an experienced Jerk or a Professor.

Coffee Malted Milk - made by - see above.

Root beer Float. The Root beer made with Cane sugar.
With really good Vanilla or (wait for it) Coffee ice cream.

There was a Soda Fountain place 2 blocks from the movie theater.
The made their own ice-cream.

Sunday matinee. Popcorn (with real butter in those days).
Toons, Shorts, and the main feature.
Never Better.
All the Best,

1 Thank

Had a 45(?) year old Vintage Port earlier this year for our anniversary.
We’ve had this in the wine fridge since before we were married. Had two good friends over. Cheese and meat selection plate.
Absolutely the smoothest, best, complex, mellow - alcohol based drink I’ve ever had.
Went looking for the same. Now $550 a bottle - if you can find it. 20x what we paid.

Honorable modern mentions.
DQ - Chocolate Extreme Blizzard.
Chick Fillet - Peach Shake. Real hunks of peach clogging up the straw.
All the Best,

Tap water.


Not even joking. The water is really good here.

3 Thanks

Water mostly, ours is also safe and delicious. Also coffee but not lots because the locally roasted single origin fairtrade arabicas get expensive. We usually have a brewer set to go off in the morning, then I’ll have a V60 or office-issued bean-to-cup espresso-like coffee after lunch, sometimes we have a decaf in the afternoon if the mood is right. Always black for me, sometimes I’ll have an espresso or cold brew with tonic. As for alcoholic I’ve officially ended my mixology phase, I’ll have a craft beer on occasion but most often it’s dry white wine for me nowadays. Oh and I’ll take a cool cup of milk anytime.

For things other than plain water though, like for flavor instead of hydration… there are a bunch of good ones. In no particular order:

  • chai
  • Pepsi Vanilla Zero
  • pumpkin spice smoothies
  • other types of smoothies
  • pretty much any coffee, as long as it’s cold and has enough sugar and maybe some milk and/or flavorings
  • mint hot chocolate with some coffee and some coconut cream
  • white chocolate w/ vanilla almond milk
  • vanilla almond/rice/etc milk in general
  • chipotle Cholula
  • really dark, thick root beer
  • maple syrup
  • black tea (not earl grey)
  • white tea
  • Thai tea
  • Sleepytime tea
  • Soylent Green
  • flavored water (those concentrated flavor squirt thingies)
  • Mtn Dew Major Melon Zero
  • Passion Fruit Fanta
  • almost any strawberry soda
  • random combinations from those every-flavor soda machines which used to be popular
  • random Italian sodas
  • carbonated juice
  • non-carbonated juice, and some types of lemonade
  • tomato soup, ideally with parmesan
  • spicy ramen soup
  • chipotle bouillon w/ sesame oil

Is People…

2 Thanks

… and unironically the best Soylent flavor.

It’s mint chocolate.

2 Thanks

Thats more than I ever thought existed.

The tap water where I am isn’t safe to drink, so I drink bottled water.

Other than that, I like craft beer, most spirits, all the common soft drinks, and most fruit juices, in particular apple, pineapple, and orange.

I’m gonna be having banananananananana shakes 'til I’m sick of them.

Banananananananananas were on sale at a too-good-to-pass-up price, so got 2 bundles. One greener and one yellower, figure they’d ripen at their own pace and I could stretch 'em out.

Nope. Both bundles were yellow and getting speckles, approaching that 38 minute window where they’re perfectly ripe. Ugh.

So made my first shake and used up 3 banananananananananas. Don’t even want to count how many left to go.

(B{an}8as, vanilla extract, sugar, honey, milk, immersion blender. Done.)

Best shake is the vanilla from White Castle. Unbeatable .

Is it municipal supply or a well? Have you considered a water treatment system like an RO unit?

It’s sad that safe drinking water is still a privilege even in the 21st century :cry: