What kind of dog do you have ?

Don't have one of those "wife" things so my experience is limited. As ever YMMV....

It's a dog eat dog world

choices.gif image by sendemin

Here's my dog - Lucky - with my wife - He's a Canaan and from Taiwan to boot.... a great dog from a nice little country!

PS - I really like BLF - this is my first post! I had been at another site, but after the crash I found BLF and what a great forum!

My Daughters dog Holly AKA Pootie

Welcome to BLF MunkyNutz.

The assistant just got an over-drastic haircut. At one point she looked like a zebra. The dog clippers refused to work and the horse clippers (Same idea but a lot bigger) worked rather too well.

That's an amazingly cute wee dog.

Talk about a bad haircut. :D

Not a bad haircut - this was a really bad haircut. :(

I always wondered about fishinfools name and its origin. I think I have an idea now ;-)

I can understand the attraction of fishing

left to right

Bijou , Tazzy, Tommy, Sushi, Ponchi and yes the middle 2 are dogs , they are trapped in non dog bodies

Fishing is awesome!

Kangaroo meets dog...

I proudly present my most trusted friend Djep

Whenever I get around to getting the pictures off my camera next, I'll post a picture of my beagle.

Not mine but I'm always happy to "babysit" her for my good friends

Doing what she really likes (let's be honest it's an obsession )

She never fails to catch a ball, no matter what !

Every couple weeks i need to refill the large coffee cans of dog food from the 5 gallon tin in the garage .

this is my dog's opprotunity to eat straight from the large tin of dog food .."it's disgusting " imagine a dog who doesn't chew anyway shoving as much food down her throat as she possibly can in the 5 seconds dad will allow he to...like I said it's disgusting ..but she lives for it .Basset and beagle she knows only 3 things in life hunting ,eating and sleeping .

I assume she tells other dogs at the dog park ...because they all give me that look of sheer admiration ....a dogs life .

The finest breed of all time German Shepherd. Ecco is my girl.

Just now saw this.

American bullies 8 of them, here is one