You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
Think before you answer!
A near miss nickel/iron meteor through the Van Allen belt sets up a cosmic pulse that instantly fries all lithium cells but leaves alkaline cells undamaged. it would later be dubbed the “flashlight killer”. Flashaholics worldwide would wrap a piece of black tape around their EDC’s once a year in remembrance.
The Douwd (human name: Kevin Uxbridge)
The Douwds are a race of beings of “false surroundings and disguises.” They seldom reveal their actual identities, but as true immortals, go about the universe living through the experiences of other beings. They are pacifists of limitless power, perhaps rivaled only by the Q.
Claim to fame: This Douwd wiped out of existence an entire race of hideously cruel and advanced beings known as the Husnock (episode 51, “The Survivors”, one of the best episodes), thus going from pacifist to murderer of 50 billion + beings in one second of explosive anger, in “a mere thought.” These beings were spread across the galaxy, many thousands of light years apart and very advanced (could take apart the Federation easy), and not a single one anywhere survived. He did this because he saw that his human wife was killed by these creatures.
There is now a better chance of finding Olmec DNA and cloning a Native American from 3,000 years ago than of finding even the smallest nucleotide of a Husnock! Wow!
Ooh good one!
B. & D. can be sidestepped!
B. Never EveryDayCarry any light?
D. RGB or yellow & blue leds can create white. Mixing the colors well can be an issue but flashlight fans will go on!
A - Considering perpetual sunlight will likely mean wiping out all life on earth...
On a side note, why not go with Q instead? These actions are much more inline with the capricious actions of the best known Q.
You’re right about his character being in line with that. Q would do something as described in the poll.
I have an article coming on the top ten most powerful beings, and the reason I put big D ahead of Q is simply the way Picard reacts to him. Unlike Q who is always unwelcome and like some kind of space imp who never gets respect, Picard says to Kevin: “We are not qualified to be your judges,” thus putting him up there with the capital G god concept. Amazing stuff for geeks such as myself.
A - would sadden me
E. Wife or GF forcing choice between flashlights and 'fun time.'
The vanishing of bacon from the face of the earth… :_(
You guys are depressing me. How about a few less likely scenarios?
Oh, and also beer :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Thanks, just thanks. For that I’m going to tell Lumatic about your custom 300mA 7135’s. He should be able to think of something to say.
I have some 300 mA regulator chips. And 250 mA ones. I think they also have 200 mA available!
Damn. Shut me up. Where we’re you a month ago when I asked about lower output chips? I wanted to get some for that 10180 solitaire. Instead I had to come up with a rediculously small 3-mode driver. Now I don’t know if I should thank you, curse you, or appologize to you. Maybe I should just hire a hit man but with my luck you already have him on retainer. No bacon, no beer, no sex, AAARRRGGH! I’d go off the deep end but ducks(as all well informed MP fans know) are made of wood and float.
Already happens :)…
I had a nightmare the other day that all LED’s stopped working and I only had incans to use my heart sang low
None of my incans are over 50 lumens :_(
For that I’m going to tell Lumatic about your custom 300mA 7135’s. He should be able to think of something to say.
Speaking of tick boy… we are just 18 minutes away from Tick Day. Will our favorite fool reappear?