What you got today

Very cool Paul!, and thanks! I have over 1000 CD's, plus my vinyl collection I've been collecting since the early 60's. Yeah, I'm an old f**k lol! Am I an audiophile? some would say yes. Truthfully I consider myself a audio enthusiast. Being 60 years of age, my hearing isn't as good as it was when I was young. I was in a very loud rock band for most of my youth so my hearing isn't as good as it used to be.

Nice set of cans.

Thanks Arn. I've had many over the past several years that might might have been considered better than what I own now, but I'm happy with my Denon D2000's and Beyer Dynamic DT770 pro's 250 ohm version. Am I done looking for better? no freaking way!

I haven’t played with my portable Ray Samuel SR-71 headphone amp in a couple of years, just quit listening thru cans. What a waste, I have a Grado 325i just collecting dust and Senns, AKG 271.

Wow! Ray Samuel SR-71! That's a very cool portable amp. If I remember correctly, it used (2) 9 volt batteries. It's been a while since I've been hardcore into this stuff, BTW, I'm a long term member of Head-Fi. Check out my profile there :) Same user id I use here..

Yes, it uses (2) 9V batteries. I also have Xin amp made by Xin but he’s no longer active. I used to swap out opamps to get different richness thru the Xin amp. I’m still a member of Head-fi, same userid too, LOL.

What a setup Glenn!! Awesome!!

ah - and you play bass i see! guitar player here for the last 15 years :slight_smile:

not to go off topic - my solder paste and fujik came from DX today

An old picture of me from the 70's

Not to be off topic, I have a few basses. Been playing original progressive rock since the early 70's. I guess you can call me an old rock and roll hippie. lol! Although, I haven't been a hippie in ages. See my avatar :)

your a prog rock fan too huh? do we share any other hobbies? LOL.

I've been a prog rock fan for over 40 years :)

Hey Glenn you’re still a hippie; shaved head is the contemporary hippie do!!! :wink:

Sweet. Only problem is we’re getting into the lighter period of the year. Soon we only have a few hours of darkness per day.

very nice!! So what do you think about it?

Today I made this 30 second delay turn on for my headphone setup in case of momentary power outage. This is to prevent my headphones from blowing out. Other than the relay, I had all the parts lying around. It's definitely not for show, but it works really well for it's intended purpose. It's going to be hidden out of sight.

+1 VERY nice! 8)

after breaking 2 drivers and a mcclicky in my last 3 soldering attempts, i decided to invest in a “helping hands”

also got a nice 25/32 drill bit for some mini-mag modding!

Very cool and neat job Glenn… :beer:

Thanks Rick :) another day waiting for my stupid insurance company to approve my cam boot. You have no idea how pissed off I am right now. And yes, I'll be boozing tonight. Big time!