What you got today

Got a new Netgear GS108 8 port unmanaged switch to replace my failed 15 year old Dell managed switch. I already have a 7 year old GS108 on my second floor which has been dead nuts reliable. It was a no brainer, especially for the price. Bought it from newegg.com for $23 after the $10 rebate.

Got these two today

They’re purchased separately but arrived at the same time. Amazing :smiley:

Got an NCR18650GA 3500 mAh protected cell from LiionWholesale.

Capacity is a bit low according to my charger, but that was on the first full discharge. I’m guessing it’ll go up after a few more cycles…

Rofis TR10

Osram Oslon Black Flats

Spare camera battery…

Some nice things (and pics) here :smiley:

Got Haikelite MT07 today, god this thing is bright just dont put this into strobe indoor :slight_smile:

:+1: One of my favorite lights.

I got a grey C8 today. I thought it will be the same as the S2+
But I like it very much! It has the same smoothness and fine threads as the clear S2+.

I received a Nitecore MT22A today, just a few minutes ago. :smiley:

I received my DQG Ti Tiny AA. Here are some photos comparing it to Airayland T5 :slight_smile:
T5 is longer due to its complicated tale switch.

that is more like military green. If that what C8 grey look like i want one.

rizky_p: No green in it. this picture at this post with stainless bezel has more real colors.

I got some Astrolux holsters, a 8 pack of Aspire 18350s and a Convoy C8 stainless bezel

ah i see still look good though. :+1:

De-assisted Zero Tolerance ZT0566FDEBW,Convoy S2+ Desert Tan and a Condor Arsenal Convoy Tube light 6 pack Coyote pouch.
Light arrived yesterday.

I received an Astrolux MF-01 for review

A high CRI 120W flashlight

pictures with F1/2.8 ISO800 and 0.3s

control shot distance 50m

Astrolus MF-01 Turbo

Black and white C8 are here. I can play chess with them :slight_smile: .
Both are XPL HI NW.

This afternoon PostNL stood at my doorstep. Again.
There it was, the Old-Lumens Tribute Light, made and very carefully packed by CRX.
It is quite a heavy light, but also an absolute beauty. Even my wife agrees to that.
And when I say that she is not a flashaholic, that is a very mild understatement.
When I explained to her why CRX had created this light, I even witnessed a brief moment of silence!

I tried to take a picture of it :person_facepalming: but in reality it is even more beautiful than any picture.

Once again: thank you CRX, for giving away such a beautiful light!

Here is a LINK for those who want to know more of the “making of….”.


All Biscotti, I presume?