What you got today

My first Skilhunt, an E2A. Impressed with the machining and output.

Mateminco MT90 mini sbt90.2 red

Nice ! That really lights up the trail ! :+1:

Got a 1972 Case Barlow . Cleannnn. :heart_eyes:

Wow, the red 90.2 is stronger than expected. I’m sold, Thanks for sharing puglife2. :+1:


And i’m only using a 26650, i will have more output once i’ll receive my 26800 tube :cowboy_hat_face:

WildTrail WT1M


Look away

Case Pocket Worn Olive Green Bone Peach Seed Jig Copperlock

Got my new bike light, Convoy 3X21A sbt90.2 :cowboy_hat_face:

Lovely place to ride! Can that clamp that holds the light body be flipped upside down? If you ever take a header, that wingnut and exposed bolt will sure take off a lot of skin from your knees (or worse). If not, I’d at least get some kind of cover or a nylon acorn nut that can be smoothed.

Thanks puglife2 for sharing those beautiful and interesting photos.

I am especially interested in your Convoy 3X21A SBT90.2.

Where did you buy it? And how much?

Simon’s Convoy flashlight Store in Ali Express no longer features this powerful flashlight on its web page. And there is none on Banggood.

How is this Convoy when compared with Wild Trail WT90? The latter is on sale for US$120 + US18 shipping on Ali Express. I guess the Convoy is a little bit cheaper, but I just cannot find it now.

Olight Oport

thx for the tip :+1: :beer:

thx :smiley: i bought it on the official Convoy store on aliexpress, it’s $89 without batteries or $98 with 3x 5000mah 21700, but the sbt90.2 3X21A and 4X18A are out of stock right now (when a product is out of stock Simon remove the listing) the 3X21A have 10% more runtime than 4X18A, and i don’t own the WT90, cost too much and have less spill than 4X18a/3X21a :wink:

You can check a side by side comparison here: 4X18A vs WT90

Thanks puglife2 for your kind response.

I will just wait until Simon restocks this Convoy then.

You won’t regret it, it’s a nice little light :smiley:

Just found and ordered the Convoy 3X21A with 90.2 LED on Alibaba.Com :sunglasses:

Total price : US$73.77 (US$63.24 for the flashlight, and the rest for shipping and processing fees). Hope to get it in 10 days. :innocent:

Nice :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face: :cowboy_hat_face:

Got this beautiful handmade fixed blade . The creators name is Gary , his brand name is GKNIVES . He does really nice work . My picture doesn’t do it justice . :heart_eyes: