Where is Don?

Does anyone know where Don is? It's been over 16 weeks since he has logged on.

I concerned for his health. Can someone find out.

Does anyone has his contact details.

It's been way too long. Hopefully he's ok.

Yeah, it's been months. Not like him to just drop off just like that. Especially since he was expecting to reach 6k post.

His beamshot in the woods was what brought me into BLF. Really hope he's ok.

I dropped him an email and asked if everything is alright with him... just now.

Yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. Something major must have happened in order for him to leave.

Even when I'm ill I still make time for BLF.

Hope he is O.K Well done Vectrex

+ 1

even though i am done with ordering more flashlight stuffz i still come here, ill or not. i got nowhere else to go. sad.

hopefully Don is doing well.

Don tell us if you found a better place to frequent and i would check it out too :X

It dawned on me that if something were to happen to myself no one would be the wiser so I gave the wife my pass word so she could let the forum know. Going through old posts I often see previously active members that have not logged on in months. Active one moment & then just dropped off the cyber earth. I always wonder what happened. It would be nice if there were some way of knowing if they just left, of something bad befell them. So, Don did not reach 6000?


Nope, I think he was at 5968. So close but not quite there.

A stay away for some weeks (max. 4), isn’t a thing. Some people travel a lot, move to another town and it take some time to get internet back.
But 16 weeks is a lot. Hope is well, win in the lottery, make a journey round the world at the moment and will be back soon with a lot of new flashlights :slight_smile:

I heard back from Don ... still alive and kicking... he is writing and working a lot... he said he will probably have time for BLF in October again.

Great news :slight_smile:

Thank god he is fine ( if overwhelmed with work)

His contributions was also one among many things that made me sign up :-)

That's a big relief. I was getting worried about him. :) Looking forward to seeing him return and reach 6000 posts. :D

Will give you time to pass him :smiley:

scaru is badass! he is what this forum is all about. Always there to give advise. We should start a pool as to when he reaches 5000. I will rig it with scaru so I win 8)

It will probably be a bit until I reach 5000. I have been posting less and less during the week because of work. Either way thanks for the compliment.

Yep, I have noticed that he is very knowledgeable in my short time being here. Top notch member!! I wasn’t being disrespectful, just a little joke. Sorry if it was taking wrong.

It's all good. I found it funny. :) My first goal is to surpass Kreishill in posts, about 200 to go. I have to admit surpassing Kreisler in posts keeps me posting a lot.

I also kind of feel like I'm paying back for all the advice I have gotten over the years, not just on here but on all of the forums I have joined. It seems kind of weird to think I have only been here for 6 months.