Where can i find a standard size forward-clicky switch?
I tried these from CNQ, and they are way too tall.
Something close to the height of an omten 1288 would be ideal, but even something as tall as the Solarforce switches would work.
Where can i find a standard size forward-clicky switch?
I tried these from CNQ, and they are way too tall.
Something close to the height of an omten 1288 would be ideal, but even something as tall as the Solarforce switches would work.
A forward clicky would go great with the zeusray I just bought from you hehe
I was hoping to find them cheaper than $2 each.
I found a few at KD, but their measurements kind of suck.
That first one is about as short as they get. I use the alleged Fenix switches and Forward switches are always taller as compared to the Omten.
Forward clicky switches are always longer.
I understand that, but the CNQ switches are really tall. I wish KD measured theirs without the spring.
Here is a picture. CNQ switch on the left, solarforce forward clicky in the middle, and an omten 1288
I've always preferred forward clickies, but unfortunately their height makes them unusable in many lights. If I could, I'd convert all my lights from reverse to forward. I think McClicky is the shortest one I've come across, but they're pretty costly.
why not take apart the tall switch and replace the plastic tower??? I have lego’d a few switches cause of diameter issues.
NOTE: Anyone know what the MAX amp rating is on the forward Solarforce switches are???
It says 3 amps.
But I’m able to use it with a mtg2 at 3.5 amps.
It failed at 4 amps though.
Was this with a forward click or reverse
Oops sorry. Forgot that I decided not to use the forward clicky. That result was actually with a reverse side clicky.
That forward clicky is now gonna be used in yezl y3 build. I will measure amps and let you know
blub8llz have you used these? $2 bucks for a 6amp switch really isn’t too bad, IF its capable of 6amps?
did you take any pictures of how you did that, it sounds useful! Rufusbduck started a thread about switch rebuilding, that would be a useful addition: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/32257
No but I will next time probably next time ok?
in rare cases these lights had quality “forward clicky switch” that’s small and can run up to 2A max.
but in most stuff they still have forward clicky that fits small AA powered light
I mean they’re tiny. But some creativity could be done?
blub8llz have you used these? $2 bucks for a 6amp switch really isn’t too bad, IF its capable of 6amps?
I believe it’s in my mtg2 jax z1. Not sure about the amps but it’s prolly around 5 because it’s doin about 3000 lumens
I sent a question to KD asking for the dimensions of the 3rd link I posted, otherwise I’ll probably order a couple of the 6amp switches.
All I can tell you is what is working for me.
I found these 3A High Current Flashlight Tailcap Clicky Tactical Switch (Momentary Activation) to fit and work quite well in my “roll-of-coins” EDCs. They’re the ‘’S5 Clones’’ I mentioned earlier. They replaced the original Momentary OFF switches ~perfectly in size.
They should also work in the “normal” 501B’s I use which means they’d work in the old C8’s as well. Well… except for having to solder them in, which can be a pain sometimes.
All I can tell you is what is working for me.
I found these 3A High Current Flashlight Tailcap Clicky Tactical Switch (Momentary Activation) to fit and work quite well in my “roll-of-coins” EDCs. They’re the ‘’S5 Clones’’ I mentioned earlier. They replaced the original Momentary OFF switches ~perfectly in size.
They should also work in the “normal” 501B’s I use which means they’d work in the old C8’s as well. Well… except for having to solder them in, which can be a pain sometimes.
I believe these may be the same switches KD has 5 for $7, and they look very similar to the switches solarforce uses. A KD rep responded to my info request with these pictures:
I ordered a few of the 6A forward clickies off eBay should be here in a few days.