They appear to be quite similar…
MF01S VS D18
The MF01S is approximately 25% brighter
MF01S has ~250% kcd compared to D18
The D18 is smaller and lighter
D18 is more flooded if you like that
I have both, but for me astrolux wins
5000K of astrolux is a warmer color of light than D18 5000K
Well if price isn’t an issue I think you can still request a tint mix for the D18. Maybe even request a specific LED other than what is listed in the website. Worth giving Hank a message if you want that though he seems to be busy recently.
I have the MF01 and the MF01S and I would not trade them for anything.
BTW, if you get the MF01S, you HAVE TO get the MINI as well.
Both are way cool.
Astrolux MF01S
- more lumens (not a significant enough difference that you would notice)
- more throw (you will notice)
- slightly cheaper
- more anodizing color options
- aux leds
- bigger and heavier (you will notice)
- 4000K is the only LED option that is not ugly green or blue
- 5000K is likely to be ugly green: Tint Comparisons
Emisar D18
- Emisar build quality, reliability, and warranty support is much better than Astrolux/Banggood
- smaller and lighter
- better LED options: SST-20 2700K, 4000K, 5000K should all have good tint
- many other good LED options available upon request: XP-L HI 2850K, 4000K, 5000K, Osram W2
- tint mixing available upon request for even better tint, for example SST-20 2700K + SST-20 4000K
- only available in Black or Sand color
- illuminated switch
- a little hard-to-find switch
MF01S and D18 do not really compare IMO. The former is a 4 cell setup vs 3 for the latter which is significantly smaller and lighter.
I don’t own either a MF01s or D18, but here i am, talking on your thread…
One thing I found curious-
When recently comparing, photographing and observing the tints/colors of my flashlight’s emitters upon receiving some lees green filter from Boaz, it occurred to me (after months of ownership) that the sst20 5000k emitters on my MF01 mini are MUCH more pleasantly (tinted? the color?) then the sst20 5000k emitters on my D4sV2… MF01 mini i added NO filtering. D4sV2 - i contemplated removing the 1/4-grn and buying 1/2-grn, because the tint is that green (same thing with my KR4 sst20, 5000k). I still REALLY like my D4sV2, btw. The MF01 mini, the tint is Beautiful and when compared to all of my other lights, they just appear “white” and “very nice” (a direct quote from me).
I love my Astro lights, but not as much as my Emisar / Noctigon (in many, but not all cases), and this was just something that surprised me.
anyway. just thought it may have relevance with choosing between the MF01s and D18… maybe…
That is good to hear, perhaps Astrolux is now using SST-20 5000K with a better tint.
When did you buy them? Could you share a beamshot that shows the tint of D4SV2 and MF01 Mini?
I do not like SST-20 5000K CRI70 because it is not high CRI. I prefer SST-20 4000K CRI95.
Glad to hear its helpful. I bought the D4sV2 in March, 2020. I bought the Mf01 mini in August, 2020. I also like the sst20 4000k, although i only have it in one light - my fw3a. i just ike the 5000k because of the jump in lumens and throw, but it really depends on the light and its intended use for me. I will share “beam shot” of all three. they aren’t quite beam shots, just me pointing at a work bench for comparison purposes from a month ago when i got the lees-green filters. I will try to take better pics tonight.
I truly doubt 3 vs 4 cell is “significant” at anything……
Thank you. That is very very interesting. I’d love to see some beam shots of one using those emitters.
When you have both in hand you can tell they are not the same size and weight. The D18 is somewhat pocketable whereas the MF01S is a much beefier light in every way. D18 is 490g where MF01S is 695g (40% heavier)… That’s significant to me.
this is less than ideal circumstances for comparisons, but these were just for my personal record keeping from a month ago. Ill try to take better pictures later tonight. The difference in color between the d4sv2 and mf01 mini do not seem too drastic here, but in real life (and in a better picture) they really are.
D4sV2 (sst20, 5000k)
Mf01 mini (sst20, 5000k)
Fw3a (sst20, 4000k) for comparison
Could you post a beamshot where all of them are in a single photo?
Like in this thread:
As an extension of the discussion about green tinted SST20 5000k lights, I ran up a side by side of a few different types. It’s not a scientific test, as the images were taken with the standard camera app on an iphone and I have no idea what automatic exposure compensation or white balance was used for each. Light spillage in a white room started to pick up as the lights got brighter, so I’m not sure if the last two frames are really useful. I’m also a little confused by the beams of the EC01 an…

When you have both in hand you can tell they are not the same size and weight. The D18 is somewhat pocketable whereas the MF01S is a much beefier light in every way. D18 is 490g where MF01S is 695g (40% heavier)… That’s significant to me.
Thanks. I can see what you mean now.

Could you post a beamshot where all of them are in a single photo?
Like in this thread:
Tint Comparisons
I will do that when home later :+1:
Really wish the D18 had a tripod mount hole.
I have both lights, and they both come with belt holsters. The D18 is so much lighter and smaller I can put it in my front pants pocket with relative comfort. In the holster I don’t even notice it. At 1.5 lbs with batteries the MF01S is a hefty package, but not too bad on the belt. The D18 is a lovely very bright flood while the MF10S is a large very bright spot/flood. If, for some reason I wanted to carry the D18 as EDC it wouldn’t be a problem.

I have both lights, and they both come with belt holsters. The D18 is so much lighter and smaller I can put it in my front pants pocket with relative comfort. In the holster I don’t even notice it. At 1.5 lbs with batteries the MF01S is a hefty package, but not too bad on the belt. The D18 is a lovely very bright flood while the MF10S is a large very bright spot/flood. If, for some reason I wanted to carry the D18 as EDC it wouldn’t be a problem.
1.) do you have a rot66? If you do, how does it compare to the d18? I know the size should be very similar and I have a rot66. I'm debating whether I want the d18 or mf01s, considering I already have a rot66. (My question is the rot66 so close the the d18 it's not worth having both, and I should just opt for the mf01s?)
2.) if you could only keep one, which would you choose?