I have recently (because of this forum) been convinced to get the Eagletac d25c ‘clicky’ which accepts RCR123a batteries. Come to find out there are different chemistry’s of this battery. I was going to go with the protected kind but which Chemistry should I go with?
Thanks! Your review looks very well compiled. I will give it a read.
At first glace tho I might go with ICR because of availablity. I can’t find any IMRs on eBay.
And more batteries have no info at all. I was looking at tenergy ‘blue striped’ ICRs.
Thanks again!
No that would be fine, it just means it will take a bit longer to charge. I have personally used this charger to charge batteries with 4000+ mah capacities.
Also, the I4 doesn't actually charge this type of battery.
The ultrafire ones are most likely not that good. I would recommend any brand name that does not contain fire in it. I have used AW, Efest, Nitecore, and Jetbeam just to name a few.
Great, I was thinking of the AW rcr123a icr 750mah protected you had posted. My only additional concern was that With the Eagletac d25c ppl had mentions that a battery nipple was needed because the flashlight has a reverse polarity precaution that required a battery nipple. The AW link you sent looks to have one but it looks small. Do you think it will work fine with the eagletac d25c.
Thank you again for all of your information. it is invaluable.
So button top is needed no matter which chemistry. LIFR is the only one with the voltage range without direct drive/ heat issues. It might actually direct drive briefly on freshly charged cells. If you want to go higher voltage it may be best to avoid IMR; since it can sustain higher currents you are likely to push even more amperage than ICR.
Thank you for the info ‘Ouchyfoot’. I’m pretty sure I’m going with the aw icr.
‘Baterija’ I was thinking of avoiding IMR to avoid damaging the Eagletac d25c, although I’m still not sure it will (my knowledge of the matter is lacking). Are you suggesting to stick with ICR? The flashlight, for my use, will never be on more than a few mins. And I would like the extra lumen output. I have another 3xAAA flashlight for extended uses, such as camping.
- also I’m not exactly sure what direct drive means?
Direct drive means it runs full out on high. On an ICR the D25C has been clocked at over 700 lumens. When in direct drive you will lose the other modes…high only, although I believe the D25C may retain low. If you keep a LiFepo4 handy, you have the option of having a light with all the modes available, with less output.
Ether way, the D25C is pretty damn bright for such a small package.