Which TV show did you watch lastֻ

At the start seemed promising, despite the bad idea of using a local crime boss and the resulting crudeness in various sections of the first few episodes which was already a downer. I felt (i.e. anticipated) upcoming wokeness in ep. 4 and 5 and in these episodes I skipped a lot via fast forwarding. Then ep. 6: at the start already: 100% wokeness. Won’t watch any more, pity, this could have been fairly good, but as most of todays TV series and films at some point they are unwatchable insanity.

Agreed. I gave it a shot and watched a few episodes, but just couldn’t get into it.

Interesting series called “The Unexplained” being shown on MyStory, a marathon of sorts of the half-dozen eps total for the series.

Pain in the ass to find info on it, or where to [coff!] “view” the series elsewhere, as there are like 9000 things that have “unexplained” in the title, as well as closely named serieses like “The UnXplained” and “The Unexplained Files”.

Some great stuff, and some hooey. Exposing the game Pokomon Go as a spy program, essentially enlisting all players as becoming unwitting spies, to the Taos Hum and isolating that sound, to the causes of disappearances in the PacNW, were all really interesting. The “physicist” (?) who thinks actual time-travel is possible by spinning a neutron with lasers? Meh, not so much.

Reminds me of “In Search Of…” and similar serieses.

What’s all the “wokeness” in Peripheral that you guys are miffed about?

I saw just 1 episode so far. It looks promising, though I wasn’t totally sold on it yet. Bummed to hear that it doesn’t work out well going forward.

back with the old Alfred Hitchcock Presents DVD….

since i have already posted about this i will only say
that the old laptop i played it on has Windows 8.
i hate the 8.
7 was heaven.
10 rates a 9.
11, not yet.

Lightbringer…that was my father-in-law’s favorite show.
regarding “97ZZZ, and I think is The Dog’s wife”
that is Beth and she died of throat/lung cancer.
she was a chain smoker.

Wow, she looked young, but yeah, smoke’ll kill ya dead no matter what your age, I guess.

She was on today’s repeats, too. High heels, miniskirt, big nails… and a tac-vest. :laughing:

Was flipping channels, and The Dog was on today, too. Think it’s a regular on Sundays.

It’s a fun show to have playing in the background, but I don’t think I could just sit and stare at the teevee watching it.

Series finale of the Walking Dead tonight. Over 12 years.

Weird, I mean, there’s definitely a diverse cast and all, but I didn’t notice anything over the top or anything that stood out pointedly. Have you ever been to London? It’s quite diverse already today.

Anyway, I found ep. 5&6 very interesting and what RI did to the stub was…revealing.

My wife and I have been watching episodes of the show Taskmaster. We watch very little tv but an evening or maybe two a week we will watch something. The show is really funny and revolves around British comedians being assigned to do all sorts of crazy tasks and then seeing who does the best.

A podcast I listen to was discussing this show the other day. Apparently the instructions are intentionally vague and so you get some really creative solutions to the various problems. I might have to check it out some time. Sounds like a good time!

How do you watch it in the US?

Caught the first 2 episodes of Andor. So far so good! I like it a lot. Very earthy, visceral feeling. It’s a bit dark, wet, disturbing… and I enjoy this realism over the ridiculous Kenobi series.

Yes the instructions often are vague. It is very funny and creative.

Taskmaster has a YouTube channel with full episodes on it. They also have videos of single tasks which are usually about 10 minutes in length. They can be fun to watch too, especially to show other people funny tasks or give them a feel for the show. This is a rather funny one.

Each episode is composed of a series of tasks where players, composed primarily of comedians, are awarded points. Whoever has the most points wins and you have a winner for each episode and for the series as a whole. The first task for each episode always involves the comedians bringing something in on a given theme, e.g. best clock. The winner of the episode takes home all the items brought in. The last task is always done live in studio. The tasks are very silly and the funniest moments are usually when people approach things a completely ridiculous and ineffective manner. The banter between the hosts and the contestants, mainly in the form of the latter trying to schmooze for more points, is always entertaining too. It does have a fair bit of swearing and some course joking but that’s about it.


Can’t Hear What Actors Are Saying on TV? It’s Not You, Probably
There are things you can do to address audio issues introduced by the production process.


Just finished rewatching “Generation Kill” on HBOMax. It really showcases the disfunction between Command and the Troops on the ground.

Just started watching “Andor” on Disney+. So far I really like it.

I saw the latest SNL.

It stars Steve Martin and Martin Short.

I really liked this episode, and laughed quite a bit.

But that's only two episodes (out of eight) this season that I would heartily recommend.

I remember some seasons when most episodes were great, but that was a while ago.

I had pretty much dropped watching SNL. The highlights have usually been the cold open and Weekend Update. But then the cold opens started falling short… only to extend to Weekend Update—now barely funny. This season has been abysmal for SNL. Reminds me of that dreaded zone between the Eddie Murphy and Will Ferrell years. I don’t think this show is going to recover this time. I don’t know if the problem is Lorne Michaels, or the support staff he has hired. The writing is just lousy. Some skits that start out with promise end up weird, muddled, and bizarre (and not in a funny way).

Anyway, I’ll definitely catch that episode with Steve Martin and Martin Short. That duo is terrific. Their “Only Murders In The Building” series (Hulu) is terrific — eagerly awaiting the next season!

Started “”Boardwalk Empire”:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boardwalk_Empire” (2010). I’m a fan of Steve Buscemi. He’s great in the role he has with this… although I must admit he has become rather typecast (most of his characters share a very similar persona). So far, so good, but I’m not totally enjoying it. Definitely not feeling the urge to binge, but intend to keep plowing forward. Only 5 seasons. Usually if something is really great and has plenty of plot story to work with, 7 seasons is usually the mark of success.