Which TV show did you watch lastֻ

I adore Generation Kill. By far the most accurate depiction of Marines I’ve seen on screen.

“Thank you Ray.”
“Thank You, Sergeant.”

Why Louisiana Ain’t Mississippi Or Any Place Else

Very informative look at our state —- Learned things I never knew about the state I live in

Wednesday (2022) on Netflix, directed by Tim Burton

This show was a good time.

The production quality of this show is insane. There are one or two weak points but generally this show looks and sounds amazing.

The character writing is pretty decent. The main character is good at many things but she isn’t necessarily the best at everything the first time she tries it. She’s allowed to fail and make mistakes, and then overcome the resulting challenges. There is one exception where it seems like the writers pulled a Deus Ex Machina out of nowhere but I forgive it since they avoided most of the usual mistakes.

The overall plot is of the mystery genre; it was generally enjoyable to watch it unfold while guessing the twists and turns. My nitpick here is that some of the information needed to definitively solve the mystery are not given to the audience or are not useful to the audience. You might be able to guess whodunit based on other things like like writing tropes and character interactions but if you want to definitively prove guilt I don’t believe the evidence is there for the viewer.

Anyway, nitpicks aside I liked the show. If you don’t normally like Tim Burton stuff this probably won’t change your mind. But for reference, I don’t like all of his work either. Beetlejuice is my favorite project of his that I’ve seen and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is my least favorite.

Thanks for sharing this. I had seen it listed but I wasn’t all that keen based on the trailer I watched. It sounds like it develops pretty well. I may give it a shot.

regarding Boardwalk Empire:
i tried, but it did not “take”.

what did was: Spooks on the BBC.


No problem!

I hope if nothing else my impression posts are useful as a “barometer.” Jeremy Jahns is the only YT reviewer I still watch because he has this down to a science. He doesn’t spend much time discussing technical merits or try to quantify quality on a numerical scale. Instead he tells you whether his experience with the movie was good or not and why. I know I don’t like everything he does, but I can usually tell based on his thoughts whether or not I will like a particular movie or show.

I decided to give DARK another try. It’s very tough to get through the first season. Aside from the complications of the characters, there’s a really wild twist going on that is hard to follow. Up to Episode 8 of Season 1 and it has become intriguing. Now, I think I need to go back and start over. But this is one of the strangest time paradox productions I’ve seen.

Iron weasel.Disney channel… :smiley: :beer:

going back to Black Mirror.
missed a few and rewatching favorites.

Wait! There’s More!

I’ve been watching Sliders for a while now. I bought seasons 1-4 and doubt I’ll get the 5th season. The last episode I watched was Mother and Child. I feel it was best with original cast and no Kromaggs.

Excellent. I’ve been waiting for this. They’re so slow at making releases and then there’s so few episodes in the season. The USS Callister was probably the best episode from last season. Such a winner in so many respects. I hope there’s a gem like this in the next season.

I loved Sliders when I was much younger. For me, it did not age all that well… but still, the first couple of seasons are pretty good. But yeah, the cast change and then the never ending Kromaggs tanked it.

It is like the Stargate film and the TV show. It got ruined when they changed too much.

I beg to differ. The Stargate SG-1 was a terrific series. Yes, it was frequently campy, but it was very well balanced. And production values were just so far ahead of Sliders. PLUS, the acting was better.

SG-U (Stargate Universe) took a very dark turn… which upset the fan base. They refused to see the show for what it was, which was… maturity. This was the one that was going to strive for an epic story across the ages. Human kind traveling across the vast distances of many galaxies in an ancient powerful starship. But no… too many fans wanted the simpler jovial SG-1. They killed it, way before its prime.

Thankfully there is a new Stargate continuation in the works. But it’s so hush-hush. No details released as yet, AFAIK.

Liked the movie, but looooooooved the serieses. All of them.

SG-1 set the standard. Great stories, amazing cast, high production values, awesome writing.

SG-A was “different”, but still carried on the legacy. Rodney was wonderfully detestable early on, but became beloved just by his “personality”. Still blown away by “Vegas”… Good God, that was a great ep.

SG-U was definitely different, and it took me a long while to “take” to it. Wasn’t helped by the f’n games that were played mixing new eps with reruns (similar but not nearly as bad as what the networks did to “Firefly”).

What totally burned me on SG-U, though, was the f’n dvd set… OF HALF A SEASON!! I asked for it as a gift, and got it, and only noticed that it was only the first half. But at the price what was usual for a complete season of anything else. That was a bitter taste like a bad pistachio that I just couldn’t spit out.

“Weapons to maximum!”

Okay, gotta throw this in here…

One of my fave SG-1 clips. :laughing:

Nicely done, LB. Love that scene. Richard Dean Anderson is a hoot. Pretty much all the time. :wink:

The trouble with SG-U… has probably been debated and rehashed many times. My take is… they were just too slow in development. The first 4 episodes were spent on the “castaways” trying to secure the basics — air, water, food, and security. It could’ve been just 2 episodes. Oh and then the crappy “Lucian Alliance” bit. Terrible. A time waster. Finally, once that was done, the series started to hit its stride. But by then, too many viewers dropped off. Then the damn drones. I thought they dragged that out a bit much. But, they did find a clever solution, only too late. Then the series ended. 1.5 seasons. A real ripoff. They should’ve had a minimum of 3 seasons.

The production value for SG-U was terrific. Some of the acting was excellent. The aliens were damn cool. The whole Stargate seed ship bit—amazing. Learning more about Destiny as time went on—compelling. There was SO MUCH MORE to explore. So much potential for stories. And it was all lost. Still sickens me. Can’t you tell?

1. Avengers Earth’s Mightiest Heroes
2. Battlestar Galactica (2004)
3. Original anime Cowboy Bebop
4. Californication

Lotta kewl sciencey/UFOey/ghosty stuff on some channels like Deffy, TrueReal, etc.

All 5 eps of “The Tesla Files” were aired in the dark ayem, straight through. Interesting mix of Tesla’s history as well as actual experiments like powering a model boat from a shore-based Tesla coil, lighting lights through ground-induction, etc.

“UFO Files” is gonna be on in an hour or so, then “UFO Hunters”.

“UFO Files” is documentary style, as are similar serieses like “The Alien Files” or whatnot. Hard to keep track with very similar names.

“UFO Hunters” has the same(ish) 3 guys going around and tracking different incidents, interviewing witnesses, etc. Kinda funny when they parked themselves right outside Area 51 then got surrounded by “cops” and had a coupla Blackhawks buzzing around (probably with chainguns trained on ’em :laughing: ).

“Ghost Hunters” can be interesting, ’though seem to be too reliant on gizmos at times. “Whoa, the EMF reader just jumped when we heard that noise!”, etc. Can be way too easy to fake lots of things, and a lot of it probably is, granted, but it’s still entertaining. Would love to go visit those places, though.

Always liked that weird stuff… :alien::alien::alien:

I finally finished The Mandalorian Season 1.

It's extremely good.

It's not as epic as the best Star Wars movies, but of course it's a TV show.

In some ways, it's better than, say, Star Wars (1977), but overall it's hard for a TV show to compete with the best Star Wars movies because of the nature of TV.

Watched 1 episode of the new “Twilight Zone”
We may have a winner for a new series. Have to view a few more to see…
All the Best,