Why I still use Anduril 1 for EDC: Anduril 2 lacking an Anduril 1 feature, suggestion, and request for programmer.

I do urban exploration. Sometimes the security of (partially) abandoned factories knows I’m there and start looking for me with their pitiful weak lights. If I’m about the get cought in a dark place I always point my light on medium mode to the ceiling not to blind them and to show I’m unarmed, pose not threat and I’m not about to do stupid things.

I have to try it with a 2000K light on candle mode once lol, maybe the cozy warm light will sooth the tension away.

I have a branch called more-aux-patterns (more specifically this commit) that allows you to disable the front RGB aux, but keep the button LED turned on. It’s not as flexible, though.

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We call that trespassing where I come from. Urban exploration…

Just messing with ya. Try and not get yourself hurt. :grin: