WildTrail WT90 - SBT90.2 1800m+ throw 90mm 3x 21700 With Texas_Ace driver

For those that like Wildtrail and want to support them, they just released a new light that looks pretty nice here: 【ツ】WildTrail WT1M & WT3M Sales Thread

I had nothing to do with it but figured I would cross post it here to support them since they are probably the best manufacture I have worked with and they truly care about quality and performance.

They are the only manufacture that as long as I could make a logical case for a change/improvement never fought me on it. I have worked with a lot of other good manufactures but they all had limits where it was good enough and would basically stop listening lol (in their defense, they mostly were good enough but I always find room for improvement).

I think they are going to offer some kind of discount on these new lights if you ordered a WT90 before.