WildTrail WT90 - SBT90.2 1800m+ throw 90mm 3x 21700 With Texas_Ace driver

Horay! I’ve been searching for one of these!

AliExpress charges sales tax even though it ships from china? Is that normal?

I've used bangood a few times in the past, but not ali express. Is there anything else I should know about? I assume safest way to pay would be with paypal right?

Is this the lowest cost way to 2km throw at the moment?

Any battery recommendations for this light?

Yes, they have charged sales tax for a few years now, it is basically the china ebay.

I am not really worried about the safety, there are some pretty heavy buyer protections on aliexpress.

In my browser, I have to click the links TWICE.

The first time I try to click the link, the link doesn't work.

This happens to me with most AE links.

The link works for me, going directly to WildTtrail Official Store in Ali Express.

But there is still a shipping charge of about US$20, from China to Singapore (just like before when I purchased the original Silver).

So now, just waiting and hoping for the price to drop. :money_mouth_face:

Have the few issues been resolved with this new batch?

There might be a new coupon code coming with a slightly larger discount

Yes, it appears so, although I have not personally tested it.

Ok, will pick one up when code becomes available. TY

New code is out:

$14 off code = WT90V3

Silver WT90

Black WT90

The new version has reduced standby power and a new upgraded FET that should improve output a bit.

Even with the code, the price ends up being $190 to NY. PASS

Thanks for keeping us informed.
It’s been a while since i read the thread so apologies if this is obvious, but is the reduced standby power due to changes in the carrier or the driver/host?

That would be changes to the charging system in the carrier.

The driver by itself has very low standby power.

Perfect, thanks.
Did you get an answer back about the carriers being available separately?

Sorry, forgot to pass that on.

Yes, they plan to make a few extra carriers and they will be available on the aliexpress store but they will not have a lot of them.

Cool. i’ll keep an eye out for them and hope i’m quick enough :smiley:

The silver version is a thing of beauty. If I hadn’t just purchased an FW21 copper, I’d be all over this.

I am interested in a corrected battery carrier as well. Please post when they were available.