Windows 10 discuss - Now with Screen Shots

I also deliberately deleted the windows.old files from my laptops... moving to a 120gb - 111gb really, SSD left me severely lacking space on one laptop. Not so much on the other, but I didn't really see any issues with W10 specifically on it, so decided to delete it too. For my PC I do still have a windows 7 backup and cloned drive just in case.

Going to spend tonight installing ssd, and a drive in a dell xps 8700, and doing install and upgrade to W10.

Here’s the problem with those that are advocating disabling Cortana, and live tiles, and a bunch of other “features” for the sake of privacy…

You should not be forced to neuter your OS and kill features and functions in order to be able to use it safely. At that point, what IS the point? We update the OS and use new software for the new feature sets and abilities they provide. What good is it if we then just go and turn that all off? Might as well have just kept what you had, provided security updates are still rolling in.

I think there is a marked difference between what MS is doing in terms of data collection and what Google, and others, are doing. I dont HAVE to use Google for anything if I don’t want to. One could argue I don’t HAVE to choose Windows as my OS either, well, for home, no, I don’t. But at work, as an IT professional in a Windows environment, yes, I must use Windows. I can’t just go and tell the Board of Directors that I want to switch everything to a Mac OS based infrastructure, swap out our UNIX mainframe and purchase/write all new software (in our industry custom in-house written software is the norm). Yeah, guys, I need you to spend like $3 million so I can feel comfortable using the OS on my workstation. Um, no.

What a world we live in. An OS so large that it leaves a 120GB drive “severely lacking space”! :open_mouth:

I’m just waiting for the time when a GOOD SSD is under $100 for 500Gb capacity.

Don’t blame it on the OS… 100 GB of that space is filled with porn… hi-def porn really gobbles up the hard disk space…

Oh, I love that! Yep, my 300gb hard drive is just about empty. Windows only takes a small amount. Heck, the games take up more than the OS. Must be all those photo downloads, LOL. Just kidding with ya.

There has and always will be in a trade off between privacy, and convenience. The only way to maintain privacy is to do everything yourself, and in person.

So it is really a question of how much you're willing to compromise, and understanding that it's not a question of whether the data is being collected, but a question of how, and what for it is being used.

Microsoft really isn't pushing any boundaries compared to it's contemporaries like Google, Facebook, etc,. They all want to collect as much data as possible to both provide a better user experience, and yes, to sell you crap, as well as to sell your information.

What we're all really griping about here, is the loss in the confidence about how information about us is being distributed. That won't change due to company policies, if anything companies will just keep pushing the boundaries. Facebook and google both do it every couple of years. Some big scandal about a change, they apologize, and rolls it out anyway in increments over the next couple of years.

What could change (but probably won't) is the desire of people to have more control and confidence of the use of their data. That has to come from the legislative and judicial... but if anything just the opposite is happening and new laws are constantly being proposed to further erode privacy.

What we need is a version of the 4th amendment that applies to digital content. I'm not holding my breath for that though and instead will just continue to work with the options available, minimizing my digital footprint, but knowing that it's there, and if I want more convenience I have to be willing to trade for it.

No, no, you got that all wrong... that's what the 4TB external drive is for :p

The system that I type this from now, is a completely clean install of windows8 home edition, upgraded to windows 10 last night, will all updates, and windows.old deleted. Other software is minimal, only chrome, some rdp shortcuts, avast, malwarebytes, and that's it.

Total space used: 30GB.

To this I'll add MS office, and photoshop. Aside from that I don't really need anything else for productivity. On my previous build, when I went to clean out the system, I found most space (over 500gb) was being used by games - i had basically my whole steam library installed. The other bulk of data was in movies/tv shows, and to a much smaller degree, music.

Samsung has a new 2.5” SSD that holds 16 TP (tera-porns) of data. Well, once you read past the marketing eyewash it’s closer to 15TP. Only costs $7000. So now, SSD officially holds the record for worlds largest drive capacity. Spinning rust is going the way of the buggy whip, punch card/tape, and floppy disk (all of which I still use).

Well crap. And here I am working with just half a teraporn of space.

They do have little blue pills that can help with your diminished capacity…

It's not the capacity of the 2.5" SSD that matters, it's the random read speed ;)

I don’t remember the numbers, but the little bugger is damn fast. They also sell it in up to petabyte arrays. BTW, I once tried to pet a byte, but it bit me…

Pesky little buggers aren't they? Well you just be careful next time and don't let them boolean you.

I wonder how many petafap’s youll need to chew through all data data porn?

I’ve done 4 Windows 10 conversions so far. Both Windows 7 and 8 Home versions upgraded without issues.

All went fine except for my own. I spent a day on the phone with Microsoft in “Activation Hell” because it wouldn’t
activate. 3 Microsoft people checked 4 times that my Windows 7 Ultimate key was valid. It came back valid
all 4 times. I finally asked to speak with a supervisor and she came back with a new product key instead.
It installed/activated fine with a clean install.

Yes, it would be extremely intrusive in regards to privacy if the defaults were accepted. But all that is easily
defeated. Also check privacy settings after the OS is installed as there are a couple that need resetting
that aren’t prompted during the initial install.

Overall, it works. No BSOD issues, or much of anything else going back to the 7/29 roll out date.

I don’t think there is a long term choice. I made my living as a Unix/C programmer and, as a developer, Unix/Linux
wins all battles and wars. That said, Windows is where the applications/software is. I believe you’ll find that,
because they gave Windows 10 away as a free upgrade, both Win 7 and 8 will become non-supported in the
relatively near future and go the way of XP.

Just my $.02,

Ran into a headache of a problem. For some reason my razer blackwidow ultimate 2011 keyboard stopped working today. Tried everything I could think of, but can't get it to work. Razer is absolutely useless in terms of support. Only potential option left to me, and with no guarantee of success, is to do a clean install of windows 10. Which is something I had considered, but it's so much hassle, after finally getting things setup.

Tried uninstalling the drivers, tried installing any driver that could possibly work. Tried using the razer synapse software, which promptly proceeded to freeze. Tried different ports. Tried deleting everything I could think of from the device manager.

The kicker of it is, the keyboard works on other computers, does light up, is seen by windows, does work if the function key is used, and even works in bios, but will not type in windows.

While I'm still reasonably pleased with windows 10, it has already cost me a minimum of 6-8 hours time in dealing with the software, not counting the standby time of the initial updates and install. That with another ~10 hours spent on cloning, and dealing with the hardware, and it's leaving me pretty cranky.

Nvidia also hasn't gotten it's act together... their most recent W10 driver would not install, had to use an older one, and NOW I'm getting the prompt to upgrade it... no thanks, not for a while.

I remember reading an article that most pornhub visitors stay for a duration of 10-15 minutes. Going with 15 minutes per petafap compiling completion, and let's say an average size of 4gigafaps per hour of hd fap content, and drive and endurance limitations... 3-5 years. Of course that assumes no repeat views.

Love the "Something happend - Something happend" screen. It´s so helpful.

Getting this all day, don´t know why :(


Don´t think Windows 10 will be the double Bad Version forever, they will figure it out.

It's better to ask forgiveness than permission, right?

Just so long as I don't have to replace a $100 keyboard over it. Definitely some ironing out of bugs to be done.

that software wouldnt happen to be superfish?
if so it and its fraudulent certificates have to go.
as for office try libre office.

According to Microsoft:

End of support

End of support refers to the date when Microsoft no longer provides automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance. This is the time to make sure you have the latest available update or service pack installed. Without Microsoft support, you will no longer receive security updates that can help protect your PC from harmful viruses, spyware, and other malicious software that can steal your personal information. For more information go to Microsoft Support Lifecycle.

Client operating systems Latest update or service pack End of mainstream support End of extended support

Windows XP

April 14, 2009

Windows Vista

April 10, 2012

April 11, 2017

Windows 7 *

January 13, 2015

January 14, 2020

Windows 8

January 9, 2018

January 10, 2023

Windows 10, released in July 2015 **


October 13, 2020

October 14, 2025

Of course, they could change that, but I bet they will probably stick fairly close to that schedule.
Which means of course, that the successor to Windows 10 is already being developed destroyed right now.