Windows 10 discuss - Now with Screen Shots

With our luck and the way MS has been going… Windows 11 or whatever they call it will be a monthly subscription OS. Didn’t pay your $9.95 this month? You don’t get to sign into your computer. HA! Take THAT, user!

And like the utility companies, there’ll be a $49.95 reconnect fee.

nah they know they cant compete with free(linux)
the new business model is give you the os free but datamine you and sell you silly worthless apps and trinkets.
hell solitaire which has been in windows since what 3.1 now has annoying ads that you pay $9.95/month to the time 7 is eol all this crap will have been beat by guys like hosts file will get even fatter and i will literally be able to pave my path from home to work with iptables rules!
however when that happens the 2 remaining windows boxes i own will go linux instead.

Already in preview -

The new model to monetize the OS has already been tested to a degree in the mobile market... yet to date, I still haven't found a need to pay for an app on my phone. Just like you can spend a few minutes and find a way to not pay for solitaire.

That seems like more of an add on product like a service pack, rather than the next OS.

If your still using them then they have not been relegated to the dustbin.
Where do you get your replacement floppies when their poor reliability bites every 5-10 uses.

Yep, this is what I fear it will come to.

Actually Microsoft has called Windows 10 the “”last version of Windows”:”, apparently they plan to keep doing small incremental rolling upgrades, which would lend itself to the subscription model you mentioned.

IIRC, they also intended XP to be the last Windows version.

If they did then the left hand forgot the right hand existed!

Is here a way to hide the windows 10 “update” like you used to be able to do with any other update. I’m on Windows 8.1

Are you asking if you can hide updates on windows 10 like you could with 7 and 8? If yes, then the answer is no.

If you are asking whether you can hide the windows 10 upgrade, make sure you have automatic updates turned off first, to not download or install. Then run check for updates. You will get a message that there is an important update available. Click on that Important Update (1) in blue, and you will see it there. Right click, select hide, and you're done. Not sure if it will get rid of the windows flag on the task bar though.

I’ve some some 30+ year old floppies that still read just fine…

Good to know. I will leave one computer on Windows 7 I think, since I will be replacing it with a new one next week anyway.

My advice is to disable auto updates, and then uninstall and hide these updates:

If you are using Windows 7: 3035583, 2952664, 3021917

If you are using Windows 8: 3035583, 2976978


Thank you. I had not seen the Microsoft support schedule.

I still have a couple of computers on Windows 7.


It was Lenovos driver update software(Lenovo something, dont remember its name), somehow its previous iteration, System Udate also caused BSOD’s on this particular laptop, go figure them :D!

I have been using windows 10 on my xps 13 for a while now and i realy like it. I still run 7 on my desktop.
What i dont like is the constant spying that MS does in win 10. But i found a russian programm that disables, or feeds false info to everything that wants to spy on you, in the register of windows! I works realy well for me and I also use a VPN server. And that programm can also delete built in apps such as that crappy edge browser. Firefox ftw for me

link to programm (non aff, and free): Download Destroy Windows 10 Spying - MajorGeeks

Understandable, but not exactly the same. It’s got features from - and also not yet found in - their current product; pretty much just like most every later new MS OS. :wink:

This is not really new or surprising. But it is both less and more than a new OS. It’s somewhat like a Google beta product. It should evolve and spin off updates to 10, but it will also be a test bed for ideas that may either die or become part of something new. MS has said they will be continuing the Insider Preview. So IP now becomes an OS sibling (and initially only slightly different) to 10 for as long as 10 gets regular support (see calendar OL posted) - or at least until MS comes up with their next strategy for funding OS development (look at that calendar again for a probable time frame).

Incidentally, those not wanting to commit to 10 should still be able to install the preview and test with it (perhaps sticking with the slow update ring and the more stable releases). Also good for people who want a (so far) free Windows OS to use - say system builders or even those just cobbling together old parts for various projects. I’ve used Preview on a couple machines going back to Thanksgiving last year and while not perfect, it has always worked.

Lenovo had been shipping systems with a “update” utility in the BIOS ROM! There is no way to remove it (supposedly they have a way now). Whenever the system boots, the program gets installed and run… courtesy of a feature that Microsoft added to win8 (and some win7). The program introduces a gaping security/privacy hole. Because of that tactic and superfish, I would NEVER buy a Lenovo system.

Lenovo is dead to me. They learned no lesson at all from superfish. Just right back to it much worse with the win Bios. Plus they like to use a bios whitelist for allowed WiFi / WWAN cards.

There was modified BIOS available to bypass that whitelist issue.

Mine doesn’t come with update software coded into BIOS so I was able to remove it.

Given that Lenovo is state owned company I won’t buy their stuff either.
I know it sounds funny but I do try to avoid buying Chinese stuff when possible which is pretty rare these days with way too much being made there.

These days, I would not be surprised if Harbor Freight screwdrivers came with malware/spyware pre-installed on them…