Windows 10 discuss - Now with Screen Shots

Enough with opinion. Youre making this about good v evil, MS v Linux, like v dislike etc. I couldnt care less if MS was the worst product on the market. Im not sure what you were doing when a PC required DOS, and you had type line commands, or how the industry was and how it had limited appeal to end users. Specific people bought PCs, I know I was building and selling them then. But when MS created Windows, it was THE REVOLUTION, everyone wanted it. MS didnt do anything except offer a product that appealed to the masses, and made the most of that. Even back then there was OS2 as the alternative and it was great for those that were into it, not great for those that just want the PC to work like any other white good. The anti MS brigade has existed for as long as I can remember. MS still made the PC a user friendly experience, and by that Im referring to most people, people that call the tech guy whenever there is any problem, not start diagnostics themselves.

Cornered the market, maintained their grasp, sure and why shouldnt they? The only difference between MS and any other business, is how quickly it rose and everyone wanted to hear about it and talk about it, kicking themselves they didnt have shares when MS was a start up. And here we are.

Of course Ive heard the cases, one involving Exploder for a start. The nature of MS business practice is std practice for all successful businesses, its just not as public. How can you not know this is an example of Tall Poppy Syndrome. Just because an era ends, is hardly grounds to crow about how they failed. Youre here talking about how many people are leaving MS products, proof in itself how successful they have been. Maybe its over for them, they still one of the greatest success stories EVER.

Just finished turning off everything I could possibly find after the install. So much sharing crap.

Here's a video with step by step, screen shots, etc. from CNET Editor Dong Ngo, on how to change you mind and revert back from the new Windows 10 install ..... you have 30 days.

CNET editor Dong Ngo shows you a quick way to roll back to your previous version of Windows if you just completed an in-place upgrade to Windows 10. You have 30 days from the time of the upgrade to do this.

So Windows 10 is here and we think it's great. If you've already upgraded, but are feeling a little buyer's remorse (as much buyer's remorse as one can have for something that costs zero dollars), don't fret. We're here to help.

Microsoft gives you 30 days from the day you upgraded to Windows 10 to roll back to your previous version of Windows. Before you do so, however, it's a good idea to back up your data. For a detailed process on how to do this, check out CNET's guide to preparing your PC for Windows 10.

All backed up? OK, let's get going.

Hope this helps some with Windows 10 problems and removal

blegh all these idiot useless fad technology, I get that catering to retards that just want some nice shiney thing is good business but at least keep an option for real users with a brain who can actually use a computer. Just gotta stick with linux for gaming now too it seems. The only reason I ever bothered with windows. Is human evolution just getting more retarded and good for nothing every year?

I’ve said for years that it’s pretty obvious humans are devolving instead of evolving. :frowning:

Are any of you as rich as Bill Gates? No no, its your petty little arguments over what a software manufacturer owes you that makes sense. LOL. Tall Poppy at its best.

Its actually conceivable, or maybe likely, that all of us combined are not as rich as Bill Gates.

That assumes that Bill is not a poster here under an alias…………… :stuck_out_tongue: ………. :smiley:

Did you just hack my account? :wink:

Linux - Still not as user friendly as windows

When linux becomes as easy to use as Win 95 , then they will see more people use it ..

Been using linux for a long time , and its less of a PITA than it was 20 years ago , but in all that time , and it has been a long time , it has evolved very slowly .

As for Win 10 , running the 64bit Pro version , yeah !

Lots of stuff to turn off , lots of permissions to remove from the firewall ..

Unfortunately in this world of " I want it now " and functionality - Win 10 has been designed to do everything possible ..

For those wanting security , you will need to spend some time changing settings ..

Besides , we all know that since XP , Microsoft has built in spyware / back doors / and feedback functions to compromise user privacy ..

Seriously , you will want a GOOD firewall to block windows from doing stuff you dont want it to do !

And if you are doing stuff that compromises you ????????????????????????????????????

Perhaps you should stop using a computer !

A lot of foreign governments no longer use Microsoft server OS because of the back doors built in , so that the NSA , CIA or whom ever could spy on the user !

There was a big stink quite some time ago , particularly from the French who discovered a back door into their server software ..

Yeah , Linux , still use it ...

ATM I use PC linux - as its rather user friendly for Linux software ...

Windows and security ? It is called Windows after all , ? so how many can look through that window to see what you are doing ?

Perhaps we need an OS called Steel Shutter , or Locked Door (?)

But even Linux has security holes in it , so trusting that Linux is safe is foolish ...

As quite a few learned after Linux server software was compromised in a big way some time ago ... ( Apparently by the Russians and then the Chinese )

The truth is , you cant have functionality and security ..

Windows is all about functionality , Linux is all about - actually Im not 100% sure I know what Linux is all about - There are simply to many flavors to sample them all .

Im not even sure some linux developers know what linux is about anymore , since everyone seems to have their own idea regarding that .

So many linux flavors have split into smaller factions ( developments ) over the years , then stalled and died !

I do know you cant please all of the people all of the time , but Microsoft seems to please most of the people a lot of the time , hence its market share .

If linux was really that good , it would have more users ..

And if apple wanted more of the market , it should port its OS for the PC sector .

But such is life , and this comes to you VIA Win10 64bit Pro ...

( Still in the process of turning stuff off and removing permissions from the firewall )

My goodness, what have I missed? Well, anyhow, I ran win 10 for a couple days. I decided to go back to 8.1. I found that the new browser was considerably slower than the old one. I think it's because of all the ads and no ad blocker. I loaded all my games and tried each one. Most of them crashed and when they did, it would lock up to the point that even Ctrl/Alt/Delete wouldn't do anything. Complete lock up and that was when I decided to give it up and go back to 8.1. Haven't had a problem with any games in 8.1.

Maybe when win 10 has been around a couple years, it will be better, but I will stick to 8.1 till it goes the way of the other extinct versions.

No games ATM , but will load Team Fortress 2 shortly

No games have crashed for me, tried over 30 from my collection and some recent big (30gb) games

Not sure if this is correct or not, but this comment is concerning:

Doesn’t sound like a baseless Windows-bashing troll, because in the rest of the comment he says he basically likes Windows 10. So I continue to feel that Windows 10 might still be compromising my privacy, even if I do set all the toggles to OFF.

It sounds like Windows 10 might have decided to upgrade your graphics driver, possibly to an incompatible version that is making it fall back to a basic non-accelerated mode, or maybe it’s a driver version that isn’t optimized yet for Windows 10. This is another thing that a lot of people have been complaining about— Windows 10 now does automatic graphics drivers updates, which is usually one of the riskiest drivers to upgrade on any OS with the highest risk of leaving the user with a broken system.

Just turn off automatic updates !

Get a decent firewall to block any unauthorized application ! ( Block stuff getting out )

And run a modem and router with inbuilt firewalls .. ( stop stuff getting in )

Then there are all the other security risks to worry about !

The list is too long ...

To be relatively safe , U probably want to run an OS in virtual mode ... ( Linux in Live mode for example ) , if your that serious about security ..

You could set up a virtual CD drive , have a Linux ISO , run virtual box ...

And run Linux in live mode ( just like from a CD drive ) , again if your really concerned ...

Or just pop a linux CD into your DVD drive , and run live mode the easy way ...

I think you can even live mode Windows now ... ( Got to try that one day ) From the CD drive or USB drive

Hahaha :smiley:

Microsoft removed the ability to turn off Automatic Updates. Windows 10 automatically downloads and installs all updates. This includes security updates, feature updates, and driver updates.

There is suppose to be a “Never install driver software from Windows Update” option buried in the old Control Panel but some people report that it does not work. There is a separate way to uninstall and block an individual update.

A pilot is flying three people in a private plane - a Tibetan lama, and Bill Gates (the smartest man in the world), and a hippie.

Suddenly the pilot announces to his three passengers: “I have bad news for you. The plane is going to crash. We have to bail out now.
Unfortunately, we have only three parachutes. And since I am a terrific pilot, and I don’t see any reason why I should die, I am taking one of them. Good luck!” And with that, he jumped out of the plane.

Bill Gates said: “Since I am the smartest man in the world, and very valuable to civilization, I am also going to take a parachute and save myself.” And with that, he leapt out of the plane.

The lama said to the hippie: “I have already lived a long and fruitful life and have no need to live longer. Therefore, you may take the remaining parachute.”

“Relax, mannnn,” said the hippie, putting the parachute on to the lama’s back. “The smartest man in the world just strapped himself into my backpack.”

Gee SB, thank you for the classicshell link. I have not been able to breath for a year with my windows not rolled down correctly.

A BIG thank you!!