Windows 10 discuss - Now with Screen Shots

You’re both right. Turn them off in Pro, can’t turn them off in Home. In Home version the update can be deferred to a scheduled time so one might have warning and be able to check what is being changed. My machines are all set to warn and schedule so they can be deferred and checked.

I’ve read several of the old options in CP no longer work as they did before, so that would not surprise me.

Push come to shove !

Just firewall everything ...

Im still exploring 10 , and so far ?? , Im finding things that I dont like that much ...

Dont know if its the fault of 10 though .. Or just old software not working well with 10 ..

Service status = Stopped !

+ I have removed a whole bunch of firewall permissions ..

But I might install a better firewall that gives me full control of what comes in and goes out ...

I really don’t like the design concept they are following the last years.

Let’s make window content and control elements the same colour why would anyone want to distinguish between those areas?
-Let’s get rid of compact menus and introduce the non-resizable ribbon system. It’s not really about maximizing the screen’s real estate for application use, its about toddler’s fist sized Icons. Obviously more important!

Just open the calculator in Win10. It takes about 3/4 or so of my 1650x1080 screen in sci mode, is not transparent or resizable and the layout sucks.
That’s the new design philosophy. Great.

I don’t know what Windows you’re using, but in my Windows 10 the calculator is resizable. But by all means, let’s nitpick.

I couldn’t tell you exactly, was the second last build before the release if I remember correctly. Nice that it is actually resizable, still looks horrible though. And there we are again at the point I was trying to make: usability has decreased since win7, at least for me.
Somehow that is an important characteristic of a user interface for me.
Besides that, calc is probably the single most used windows application for me, I usually have multiple instances running at any time. Won’t be on win10 though.

As a fellow luddite, my pleasure! :slight_smile: Glad it worked for you.

I’m also curious about the font rendering on Windows 10. I’m extremely picky about font rendering, and I personally can’t stand Windows font rendering up through Windows 8.x. Anybody have a screenshot of BLF on Windows 10?

Here’s what my font rendering looks like on Ubuntu:

Fonts render just fine, you can see from the gif a couple a posts up.

That looks like awful "ClearType" font rendering. I can't stand that.


I guess I’m not picky enough. This is what the site looks like on my Win 10 Technical Preview with IE and Chrome. Don’t have access to my actual Win 10 upgraded laptop at the moment, but I don’t recall it being noticeably different.


Thanks for the screenshot. I think it might not be 100% scale or possibly the JPG quality is making it look worse, but I personally wouldn’t be able to to take that font rendering.

I think font rendering is one of those things that you never care about until you use something better, and from then on there’s no going back. It’s definitely subjective, but a lot of people find Windows font rendering to be eye-bleedingly atrocious after they’ve used a Mac or even a well-tuned Linux distro.

Yeah, that was scaled down and I didn’t realize it wasn’t clickable for the full size image. I’ll try to fix it. Now that I’m home, I can see there is a difference in the release version of Windows 10. It also looks like there is a different default font and size between IE and Edge on 10. Left is Edge, right is IE, and this one should be clickable.


So I upgraded my new install to Windows 10 after a failed new install on a new SSD HD. So I figured I'd do an upgrade from a new install of Windows 7 to 10 on a fresh copy of Windows 7. Well, my Nvidia drivers failed after I downloaded the latest version so my resolution was totally messed up. Then my Amazon Cloud Storage messed up after half way through uploading my 2.5 tb's uploading because Windows 10 decided to reboot my computer without my permission. Guess what? I think Windows 10 F**king sucks

That said, I'm back to a fresh install of Windows 7 which I'm totally happy with.....

I think Windows 7 works and looks much better than 10!

I thought I turned off automatic updates !

But Win10 did an update anyways with no warning or notice , short of it , it stuffed up virtual box ...

I had VB5 installed , and it refused to run properly after the update , so I had to remove it and revert to an earlier build ( I think )

Virtual box is running now ( How I run my Linux'es )

Definitely need a better firewall : really need to block apps with 3rd party software ...

So it would seem Microsoft has more control over Win10 than I do ( Thats simply unacceptable ) ..

I did like 8.1 , I have nothing against it , it was easy enough to set up as I wanted and was very smooth and stable , perhaps more so than 7 ..

I did go back into the guts and tweak a little more to turn off automatic updates , funny thing , when I went back , automatic updates was turned on ( this is after I turned it off )

SO how the Puke that happened I dont know , there is some associated programs function that apparently can turn on the automatic updates ( ????????????????? )

So I have disabled the associated programs function ( so will see what happens )

Consumer grade Windoze 10 forces you to update whether you want to or not… you can’t turn them off. I think there is way to defer when the updates are installed. Only the Enterprise editions let you control updates.

hosts file.

i remember 2k differently.huge improvement over 9x.
me was the real turd.