Winner Announced: Sunwayman D40A and R15A Giveaway

Hmm. Nothing really eventful comes to mind as an adult but I think it must have been one of my childhood Xmas. I remembered being excited and waiting up until 12AM to rip open my presents =)

EDIT - my bad -> you meant the Xmas that just passed. I spent it w/ my brother and his family. Good food and good company. No complaints.

I’m in.
One son came to visit over Christmas week.
Another son and his wife came to visit for New Years.

I was able to spend Christmas with several of my brothers that I hadn’t seen in years. Great time.

This year my wife and I made some homemade gifts (doll beds) for the grand-daughters (ages 3 - 10). We weren’t sure how it would play out, but the girls also got large 20” dolls and some other gifts so this wasn’t their only gift. Each doll and each bed was unique for each child. Down to hair color for the dolls with custom quilts and pillows done up in special characters & colors for each.

The beds had been hidden away and were brought out while the kids were still opening their other gifts. The first bed was brought out to the youngest and the room full with 14 people went silent as my wife carried it all of the way across the room to her. All unwrapping ceased as my wife showed this little red-haired 3 year-old how the doll that she had just opened and looked like her went with the bed. She was a happy little girl!

My wife left the room and returned with the next bed for an older sibling in the same family. Same result. The little girls in the other family just sat and stared, without comment. Then the next for the youngest in the 2nd family. Same result. I can only wonder what the oldest of the 4 was thinking - she hadn’t opened her doll and she might have been wondering if she was too old. Out came her bed but she hadn’t found the doll, yet. When she opened it, she started crying because the doll didn’t have blond hair (like she sort of has - it’s turning brown).

Grandma saved the day, she had a spare doll with blond hair - just in case. All was well … thanks to my bride!

This basically set the tone for the day, the girls all playing together with all of their toys instead of the sometime seen fights over unique toys. Our grandkids put on an impromptu play/performance and this year the youngest got up and started dancing with the other girls without any prompting or practice. At first they tried to work around her, and then they realized she was now a part of it. It was quite touching to see how they all adapted.

My wife got to meet my cousins for the first time! Family time is great time (in moderation)

This Christmas was memorable because I was looking after a Black Labrador, he was great! I’m in :slight_smile:

Count me in too. Thanks

My most memorable Christmas experience was spending time with family, we had a lot of illness in the family last year, so everyone being well at Christmas was special.

Family gathering at my cousin’s new house which came with a wonderful sunset.

Thanks and I’m in!

I’m In and thanks,
Started a new tradition this year with everyone coming to our house for Xmas Lunch and dinner instead of us going to theirs.

Sorry, I don´t have 25 posts but I read this forum almost every day. Does it count?
I don’t need to promise to come back. I’ll do it, :bigsmile:.

My most memorable experience was to take a flight with my 2-months-old daughter.
Definitely memorable…!!!

My most memorable christmas holiday moment this year was that all my family and friends bring all the good food that everyone cooked and brought to the dinner table.

Count me in!

Well, I think that the most memorable Christmas have been those together with family, naturally, every Christmas is special for me.

Just count me in please, thanks. (my Christmas was not ‘memorable’ btw)

Christmas stilton cheese!

When I gave my Mom in law a Tank007 E09 on the 28th december and told her it was not a christmas present. It was for her because she has always been there for her family. She has always helped where she could. She has driven to us in the middle of the night and early morning to give a hand and see her grandchildren and she has never been anything but good to us and being who I am and doing what I do I wanted to give her a personal thank you gift that was not girly, not mommy, not granny but still undeniably feminine and able to sit unnoticed on a keychain or in a purse untill the day it is needed. The color was that dusty red they come in.

She totally understood that it was a personal thing from me and she loved the light. Gave a big round of hugs for us all.

I’m in!
Most memorable was turning 30. Kind of felt like turning 29 though, I don’t feel much different

Thank you for the giveaway! :party:

My most memorable experience, other than being ill throughout the holiday period, was talking with my mother. :heart_eyes: We are going to the opera next month! :bigsmile:

Pl count me in Ryan.
This year was special as it was a wonderful time spent with my family.

Count me in. Thanks