The last few years have seen increases across the board in group buys, hosts, ano color and tube size choices, upgraded driver designs and led choices. What’s missing from each category? Obviously LEDs aren’t something we can affect the design of but we can still dream. And as far as the others go imagination and determination are all that stand in the way so what’s the next big(or little) thing?
I’d personally like to see a quality but still budget version of the ubiquitous SK68 with glass lens, accurately threaded solid pill with pressed in brass solder ring for the driver, and HAII ano.
15mm buck driver with Attiny mmu. Possibly just a redesign of the AX2002 driver. Perfect for Minimag mods.
Mass production of Harleyquins 15mm boost driver with Attiny mmu.
10mm stacked buck driver with Attiny mmu. I see no way other than stacked boards to accomplish this but since current drivers already do this I don’t have a problem with it.
Short grey ano S2+ tubes. Best not black color and no shorty tube? This needs to happen. :person_facepalming:
What else?…