XP-L2 HI V6 3A high CRI
A single 26650 with interchangeable copper heads… one with quad emitter optic… another head with a single emitter, C8 size reflector.
More powerful led. Something like XHP90. In an L6, you’d get something like at least 50k lux, but 7500 lumens without generating too much heat. Nice bright allround beam profile.
I want to see Thrunite single 26650 XHP70 light; great performance for a much better price than the Olight or Acebeam.
Meteor M43,
Acebeam K70,
Thrunite TN32…
Good AAA drivers (10 - 12 mm)
Sideswitch drivers (17mm)
(all without absurd shipping costs to EU)
Moar moneys to spend!
O, and peace on earth of course…
I’d like to see the clear ano come to the Convoy S series. Oh, and to have the clear ano be a host option.
Another small thing, but I’d like to figure out how to blend the elegance of the S2+’s metal switch with proper illumination like what can be accomplished with the silicone tailcaps without a huge standby drain.
Edit: and perhaps even higher binned XP-L HI’s. Or maybe introduction of a XP-L2 HI.
“Maglite (2D/3D/4D) retrofit that doesn’t break the bank.”
Like this lightbringer?
Saw that one before, and it’s nice, but I’ve only got a 2D, and its voltage minimum is 3.5V, sadly.
Didn’t want to get into stacking NiMH cells, so was hoping for a boost converter for the 2D. Imagine I can stack 2 26650s with an adapter, though… Hmm.
That “drop in” is significantly more expensive than most you see on kd, dx, et al, for other hosts. It’s just that none are made for Mags. I’m not sure why that is given that some oriental markets don’t seem to worry overmuch about patent issues. Maybe all it would take is a large enough GB to kick start it. I’m guessing that particular drop in uses a buck driver and a two cell Mag will need a boost driver. Since there are now so many choices possible the problem as I see it isn’t technical, it’s getting enough people to agree on one set of options to make it viable.
Obviously the BLF Q8 and the BLF GT.
More boost drivers for the 6volt and 12 volt leds.
And a 5050 footprint led with a ‘single’ die as the XHP35 but with more power and without a dome.
Yeh, and looks easy enough for someone with a lathe to concoct something that’d fit, and the Mag is s big honkin’ slug o’ metal that should dissipate heat rather nicely, at least a modest 5W or maybe even 10W.
Say, 1.5A constant shouldn’t stress out the emitter too much, even if left on constantly. Imagine a pair of D cells would be able to handle that okay.
Again, we’re looking for something practical that a lineman/rancher/whoever can use constantly without having to stop or have it step-down on its own to cool off. Given that the come-with switch is a forward-clicky, I wouldn’t want any modes to speak of, as that’d get cumbersome. You’d want the same 1-mode on/off functionality of the stock Mag, or Mag with LED replacement.
I want temperature regulation, a common and cheap driver that cuts LED current when about to overheat and prevents it from happening
Perhaps take the 105D and add a temperature sensor
Lightbringer you could convert it to 3C cells?
C and D 1.5V primary lithiums. Lighter, more power, more juice, no leaks.
I asked Richard about maybe putting some of these together, but I haven’t really heard much about it lately. Not that it was an active discussion… more of a “ya, that’s a good idea”.
Basically take the Qlite / 105C and use an attiny25 instead of attiny13a and then flash a single-channel version of Bistro or something. Cheap, easy, and should be effective. Let’s make it happen!
Maybe we can ratchet things up a notch. If you like a suggestion, +1 it. Any that get 3 or more pluses go to the op and start collecting stars for each 3 thereafter. A way to quantify interest level.
I’m assuming the attiny25 has temp sensing?

Lightbringer you could convert it to 3C cells?
Hmm, not sure. Might have to chop down the spring or something.

I’m assuming the attiny25 has temp sensing?
Yes, it does. It’s what is used in some of Richard’s FET drivers, the BLF X6 drivers, etc. Same footprint as the 13a, has temp sensing, and double the space for firmware.