So, I bought 3 new lights with a, for me, new LED.
I post one picture, but they basically look the same.
The seller (a well known brand) claims that it’s variation with the LED.
I don’t know… Should they really look like that?
I would say that something is not placed correctly inside, either gasket, reflector or TIR. The LED is probably a throwy LED (eventually dedomed), but it shouldn’t produce that kind of beam.
If you tell us what flashlight is that, maybe it is possible to help in a better way.
Thank you for your answer.
Is it anything I can do?
I understand your question to know the brand. Is it legal to reveal this?
I’m happy to post more pictures, no problem.
I think the beam looks awful.
It’s the Convoy.
Those flashlights, M1, L21B and M21A Should it be like that?
Yes, it is legal to say what is the flashlight’s brand or show the flashlight itself. That is the best way for us to help you (if possible).
In which model are you getting that beam?
Those flashlights; Convoy M1, L21B and M21A
Do ALL of those flashlights have a beam similar to the one you show in the first post?
If so, show us photos from the top of the flashlights, with the flashligh turned OFF.
- And yes, they show this same pattern.
What picture do want to see?
I would suggest photo from the top of the flashlights, something like this, in which we can see how the things are placed:
Thank you. It’s ok with my pictures?
New to this. Just trying to understand
there is nothing wrong, dont worry
go use them outside at night. the bright center throws far, the dim spill helps illuminate outside the hotspot… everything is working
did you expect the beam not to have a dim spill?
what you see on a wall can be confusing you… congratulations on your new lights!
It would be better with the lights off and looking straight in. It would appear the LED is not centered in the reflector. They don’t look all that bad as far as beam pattern
From these photos, it can be seen that the M1 (on the left side of the photo) has the beam that is more off-centre. The others don’t seem to be completely bad since they all have smooth reflectors, what makes the beam less homogeneous. Also, those lights are normally less used to indoor lighting and more to outdoor where the beam “shape” tends to be less noted (if compared to a white wall or ceiling)
However, if you can, it would be really nice to see a photo similar to the one I showed, just above the flashlights (individually is better) and with the flashlight OFF. [When the LED is ON, it is not possible to stare at it and check if the is some incorrection with the gasket or reflector placement.]
The only one that looks off to me is the one on the far right in the beam shot above. Is that the M21A?
Are all of them pointing straight on to the wall… meaning the light is perpendicular (90 degrees) to the wall. If any of them are not, it will skew the beam shot.
Those photos straight down on the light with it tail standing and the LED centered as good as possible in the reflector can show any misalignment.
Honestly, with a couple of dozen Convoy lights, I don’t have any that show misalignment in the optics. It would be very strange if you got three of them in one order.
Yup, better to get some photos tomorrow, eventually using a natural source of light (outdoor, window) and with the LEDs OFF.
But I guess only the M1 needs to be cheked, as the other flashlights seem to have normal beams, seeing those photos with them pointing to the ceiling.
By the photos it looks like they are pointing upwards to the ceiling !