Wow! Best Deals Ever on FandyFires?

i’m sure a lot longer than yours… the custom in NY takes a lot longer holding them… sometimes up to 8 days
then has to go through 3 different USPS sorting centers… usually if i’m lucky 18 day… especially with my local P.O. closed due to hurricane sandy

Aren’t the Samsung cells the ones that charge to 4.35 volts?

2800mAh ones charge up to 4.3V. But at 4.2V they have around 2500-2600mAh, which is great capacity for that price.

  • I have 4.3V-capable hobby charger so it’s not a problem :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, just ordered 4 Samsung 18650’s and a trustfire t2 I have a plan for, now I need a 3up nichea, optic and kd 3a driver, roll on tomorrow…

Another very satisfactory order for a very satisfied customer. :slight_smile:

And Scaru………………….this is for you.


Glad to hear they're fast. I'm waiting for a couple of stuff from them also.ordered

a few sipiks sk68, trustfire 10440,and 14500.hope they're real.

seems perfect deal

I like the Design & Looks of this Site compared to DX. Prices are very Good also. I spent $49 after Disc. I got Batterys, Key Chain Lights, & DIY stuff.

What do you think about these?

I have this and the WF501B from trustfire and the 501 is light years ahead!

Those are much, much, muuuuuuuch better choice.


Avoid ALL “UltraFire” brand batteries.

Go with what Shadowww just posted!

I have these, and personally rate them MUCH higher than my AW’s, they are much more charged after being left unused/uncharged for long times, and are only marginally inferior for run times on my single 18650 flashys.

okay okay! I got it…NOOOO UF :smiley:
But the Samsungs are not protected and I dont like it…
Its more dangerous isnt it?

I guess it depends on your usage habits. I personally use all protected cells.

If you want cheap but protected, and rated much much better, get these

Or just spend more and get these:

Unprotected Samsung cells are much safer than protected CrapFire cells, actually.

I use protected 2400mAh Trustfires atm…will the 2500-2600 mAh improve the output of my lights?
Have bought 2 of those panasonics and my romisen is much brighter with it. But that is a lot of money for just 2 batteries…

So whats the dangerous part of unprotected cells?
What can happen? And when will it happen?

Read this thread as one example:

That was CrapOnFire cell though, not something proper like Samsung, Sanyo or Panasonic that has proper QC and safety features.