
Too late to tell you to run. You’ve obviously already been bit. :slight_smile:

Wecome to the forum. Hope you have a great time here.

Welcome to blf!

Hi, welcome, im a new guy too.

First you get a tutorial on the difference between fet controlled and Amc7135 controlled drivers.

An fet is used as a switch. Good ones like we use have very low resistance so when “on” the LED is getting every erg the cell can push through it hence also the desire for low internal resistance high current cells.

A 7135 passes a fixed amount of current burning off any excess voltage over that necessary for the LED at that current as heat.

By adding 7135’s in parallel it’s possible to increase the LED current by 350 mA for each one added. This makes it very easy to dial in a certain maximum current. .35A, .7, 1.05, 1.4, … , 2.8A, etc.

Modes are created for both types by rapidly turning either the fet or 7135(s) on/off and using the width of the “on” period to give a perceived percentage of the total. This is called pulse width modulation or pwm. In both cases on is still fully on so the fet “on” is a brief pulse of everythingthecellshas and the 7135(s) supply pulses 350mA X the number of 7135 chips.

Since LEDs are more efficient at low current it makes sense to generate any modes less than 350mA by pulsing a single 7135 but since an fet has much lower resistance than a pile of 7135’s you get a more powerful turbo by using an fet for turbo and the higher modes.

Both the A6 and SS/Cu lights use an fet +1(7135) driver originally designed by Alex Wells(BLF member wight)following on lots of earlier work by several others(good history lesson there) with the main difference being the processor on the newer version has more memory and can run a more complicated user interface (UI).

Ergs?? Now you’re bringing ergs?? What’s next, foot-lamberts? Nano-newtons per mega-meter?? Nelson Candelas ? Where will it all end? :smiley:

Seriously, Rufusbduck, that’s Good Stuff there! And thanks for reminding me! I’m a Big Fan of Rudolph Clausius & made up a “quote” from him to ward off the Global Warming conspiracy theorists:

“Energy IS Conserved! It’s the Law!”

PS: Welcome aboard, Scotty!

Now arm phasers and fire at that dust speck! It’s all that will soon be left of your “extra” money!

check out this page, i have not updated it in a while, but anything thats not explained well let me know and i’ll see what i can do

Another important thing about BLF — we’re here because we want to cooperate on lights, even cooperating with those of us who may be members of opposing or mutually contradictory conspiracies about various other subjects.

Thanks Rufusbduck! That is very good info - very good overview. Are there any “LED 101” or “Flashlights for Dummys” threads on BLF that you could point me to?

After I get my feet under me with all this new info I’m interested in looking into some of the details of the microcontrollers and their programming. (I’m more of a SW guy who only occasionally burns his fingers on a soldering iron.)

Two excellent links to “A Beginner’s Guide to Flashaholism” and “LEDs & Other Stuff”.

Thank you Can & Bort!

Very Illuminati-ing. Thank you.

If you are new to the subject I’d reccomend spending time away from the recent posts pages and look into each of the sub forums. From there follow your curiosity and read. Don’t worry overmuch about what you don’t understand yet as your back brain will learn through context but do ask questions. I can point out threads I know or have posted but don’t have eidetic memory so asking lets us pool our separate known sources.

@can- Any particular examples of Greek you’d like clarified? While flashlights are easy to understand when you get into the specific details of each of the parts it can add up to large body of knowledge. Things like linear, buck, boost, OTC, TIR, and OP vs SMO reflectors can get overwhelming but if you read, ask, and give it time it gets better.

Some times is may just be terminology - “OTC, TIR, and OP vs SMO”. And what is a DMM?

OTC does not come to mind
TIR total internal reflection, think of lenses reflecting and focusing light then shooting it all out he front
OP reflector thats textured like an orange peel
SMO - smooth reflector
DMM - (digital) multimeter

Reminds me of this quote
Kirk: The great experiment. The Excelsior, ready for trial runs.
Sulu: She’s supposed to have transwarp drive.
Scotty: And if my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a wagon.
Kirk: Come, come, Mr. Scott. Young minds, fresh ideas. :smiley:

What is this DMM you speak of?

Do I need one? :slight_smile:

Its typically more accurate, but no you do not

Welcome aboard Mr.Scott!

You’re in great company here.

So much to learn and a great group of people very willing to help illuminate your path.

I think you’ll like it here. :smiley:

OTC -off time capacitor. It allows mode changes immediately without having to double click to get the first change.

There are a few running threads on drivers and programming the mcu and others on development of new ideas. I can’t add much to the conversation but I still drop in to ask the odd question or look around the net for parts. Sounds like you might find them entertaining and understandable.

DMM — digital multimeter
VM — voltmeter

What you need is a voltmeter — mostly digital nowadays.

It took me a little to realize what a “DMM” was. But after that I was just giving you all a hard time. :smiley: I have multimeters, both digital and analog.