Personally I really like the efest ones. They did great in HKJ’s test. Just love having as much power as you can squeeze out of a 10440.
A fasttech reviewer says those TrustFire 10440 600mAh Protected are only 250mAh @ 0.2A Plus not sure I would trust the dimensions fasttech gives. 10440 size is suppose to be 10mm x 44mm (longer & a bit wider for protected), aaa is said to be 10.5mm x 44.5mm, smaller gives less volume / less capacity, doesn’t seem like there is a reason to make a 9mm 10440. …… Always could be wrong tho. :weary:
Which Tank007 light do you have? I see a review saying the Tank007 E09 can take 10.48mm-10.60mm (“version history” section). I bet somewhere around you could find what diameter the Illumina Ti can take.