Looking for BLF 348 in good condition Nichia 219B.
Paypal or Venmo or Cash app.
You can still buy them from Fasttech here , except with a cool white xpg instead of the 219b. They’re pretty straightforward to mod if you have a soldering iron, or you could get someone else to do it for you.
Azhu is selling the 219b emitters over here
Thanks for the idea.
Do you know if anyone has tried a different driver? Perhaps with 2 or 3 modes?
I just finished building exactly that! I’ll post a thread about it soon, but basically I built a BLF Tiny10 driver using these boards from OSH Park and a Nanjg 105c donor board for the components. It uses only one 7135 chip so the current output is limited to 380mA. This gives about the same output at max as the original driver does with an NiMH AAA battery but with some nicely spaced lower modes. I’m going to try and stack two for double the output but it’s going to be a very tight squeeze.
Great, I’m looking forward to that.