Something snapped tonight and I need a long, long, long break. I can't look at this stuff any more so out it goes.
First up to keep things easy to read is my Medusa:
Direct drive, dimmable quad Nichia with medium flood optic
405nm UV with reflector
RGB with reflector
This firmware:
Custom heatsink
Original SRK box
Asking SOLD $75USD including world wide shipping.
Second (and last), is my super thrower project. I do not have the patience to finish this any more. No reason why I'm not finishing it other than I cannot stand the though of having to make yet another driver revision because I forgot to put a ground trace on the back of the driver contact board. I've had it with PCB revisions for a very long time.
What you get:
SolarForce S1100 host in great condition. Externally perfect, some nicks and scratches on threading. Nothing visible when assembled fully. Has been modified to accept...
... a 75mm Edmund Optics Aspheric lens. This sucker is huge and focuses very well.
A slightly butchered Bucket custom aluminium sheathed, copper core heatsink. I say butchered because I drilled some holes for wires and one of them was not straight (easily visible in pic below).
De-demoed XPG-S2 with all 4 set screws to hold it in place.
A custom holder for a DIY wavien collar using old maglite reflectors (I do not currently have this but will in a week or two. Will ship when it arrives).
Two maglite reflectors (un-modified and not pictured).
A properly modified battery holder for 3-parallel configuration. Can be converted back to stock 3-series config. I will not do this.
A bag full of the stock parts and my failed prototype parts.
The original box in perfect condition.
I'll send whoever buys it the Eagle files I used to create the replacement driver board.
No stock reflector or lens supplied. I cannot guarantee that you will be able to get this back to stock. I took some parts from the standard driver but it should still work if re-assembled. No liability on my part if you cannot.
This is really intended for someone who wants to finish what I started.You have been warned.
Cerial_killer has very kindly offered to complete this build for anyone who purchases it. To up the ante a bit, I guarantee his work - I'll refund you in full if it doesn't work out for any reason.
I was aiming for 1million+ cd. Never tested the lux, but the LED focuses perfectly with the heat sink pedestal and optic. I paid over $350 for everything (not including several PCB runs), asking SOLD $200USD including world wide shipping.
Adding another light. I wanted to keep this because its a really nice light, but I never use it so no point keeping it:
Niwalker Vostro MTG2. This has been modified by Vinh. All he has done was bypass the springs and give the driver a current boost. Physically the light is in perfect condition.
Asking $180-170-160-150USD including world wide shipping
Questions welcome. I will answer what I can. I am open to offers but please no bargain hunters...I think the prices are more than fair.
Entire scene. I've been here before and tried slowing it down without giving it up entirely. Worked for a while but I think I need a proper break - the next 18months of my life are set for major changes and I really need to focus on them. I seem incapable of dividing my time up evenly.
Hi Mataus, good luck with all the things that need happening. And thanks for the many great contributions to the BLF community!
I too find it difficult to combine the BLF-scene with family/work life. My goal is a healthy mix, in my case that mostly works (I think, but dare not ask my girl ), but at times it derails and the BLF-hours go at the expense of 'çlear and present' daily life.
Hope to see you visiting BLF from time to time, hopefully in a relaxing way :-)
I looked at the Edmund Optics website. They don’t have a 75mm Aspheric listed. The largest one they have is 50mm, and that one is listed for $690! Where did you get that lens?
Edit: Looking at the Thorlabs website, they do have a 75mm aspheric. Uncoated is $52.50, AR coated is $62.16 for the 75mm molded aspherics. Is it possible this is what you have?
Matt, what is actually required to get the S1100 going? Is it a matter of assembling it or are there extra parts required? Also when using a wavien collar (or diy one) is the projected light in the shape of the emitter die still or is it round?
Defintely got it from Edmund's. I can provide the invoice if needed. You may be looking at the wring part if the site. I'm on my phone now so it'll be too difficult to search but if its needed I can provide a link tomorrow.
I have a control board that works but no firmware. It has a V+, GND, and PWM out connections for a driver to drive the LEDs. You'd need to design a new driver/contact board. I could probably help with this though I am reluctant - not because it can't or because I think it'd be too difficult but because it half's defeats the purpose of me getting rid of this stuff!
The collar should not impact on the shape of the beam. It should still be a projection of the die. I provide two reflectors so one can be used to find the correct focus before finalising the height.
It sounds like a very interesting project! Unfortunately the requirements to finish it are a bit beyond my capabilities I think. Best of luck with the sale.
You have made massive contributions to BLF and the hobby. The driver scene, especially, would not be what it is today without them. Best wishes on the changes and on the sale of your items. Looking forward to your eventual (Hopefully) return.
Matt, sad to see but totally understand. I would love to get the S1100 project but I have to buy a new computer in 2 days so I cant.
To anyone else, if you’re looking at this and thinking you want it but can’t do the work I would be glad to finish it for you. I’ve always been infatuated with this project of Matt’s and would love to see it threw.
Thank you for all of your help. You certainly have been an inspiration to me and have helped open up a lot of doors and possibilities for us as a community. Your video tutorials were just the help I needed to get learning Eagle.
At the end of the day, you've got to take care of yourself and your family first--flashlights, work, or anything else should take second priority to those things.
I hope you find a nice break and feel better about your situation. Many of us have several hobbies and wind up juggling too many at once. That combined with a demanding job and family commitments makes time management nearly impossible. Thank you for all of your great contributions to the forum and in helping others. We hope too see you back again some day soon.
Thanks for the kind words people. I've pulled this 'stunt' before, but it seems I didn't really learn that time. Its not burn out this time though - I just realized that I have way too much on my plate at the moment, and given its only going to get busier over the coming months its in my best interests to prioritize. Unfortunately flashlights falls pretty close to the bottom of the list. If I don't give up cold turkey until everything settles down I may end up back in the same positions this time next year. Hell, last time I 'took a break' I came back with the Smart Switch which ended up being one of the most time consuming and frustrating things I have EVER done!I'm just trying to learn from my mistakes for once :(
RMM and Rod911 - someone had PM'd me about the Medusa prior to either of your posts. If they decide not to take the light I will be in touch.
blueb8llz - pencil beam yes. There is some flood, but it's only what I'd class as 'leakage' because as well as the optic focuses, light is still going to escape sideways. This will be reduced even further with the application of the light recycling collar. I need to re-iterate that the light needs a new driver. cerial_killer has kindly offered to finish this light up for anyone who buys it and to be honest I think it'd be in good hands. He certainly has the skills to 'gid er dun'