【Wurkkos HD10 update】First batch of HD10 black available now 4000K&6000K

Full post with pics and more explanation is up: [Review] Wurkkos HD10 - A great formfactor Anduril 2 90° headlamp - #2 by ebastler

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Yikes :slight_smile: Slide a utility knife blade under there next time. Better yet, two blades at the same time to put even pressure on it. This is for a different light but seems like it would also work for this one.

Great to see inside there, though! I’m looking forward to getting one eventually.

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It’s a big challenge for us. We have been trying to make compatible driver with AA and RGB AUX.

3 Thanks

It’s going to update come with flashing pads later.

10 Thanks

You could ask @thefreeman if he is interested in a collaboration on such matters - he made an Anduril driver for Emisar with outstanding performance recently, which runs off AA and 14500, has RGB aux and very high efficiency.

Probably easier to have him help than developing the same thing from scratch.

7 Thanks

Absolutely! Come with flashing pads.

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That is huge news!! Thank you Terry.

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The removable bezel is included in my original design. But Wurkkos factory said it has not enough space. So removed it

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Surprise! That’s definitely a good news.

1 Thank

I hope so. The flashing pads is yes, but removable bezel not sure :thinking:

4 Thanks

@Wurkkos_Terry please please please try working with @thefreeman or @loneoceans :pleading_face: The world needs an efficient compact Andúril head torch. The DW4 is great but unwieldy.

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Dang! I really want to do that. Why we can :sob: Lost my deal :sob:

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Absolutely! Terry promise

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It’s necessary to make these things available Lol

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Got it! Keep attention always

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I guess the tube issue be caused by CNC machining deviation.

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At least half a month. Between mid June and July

Wait a minute. Let me check the stock of warehouse. Then shipping the new parcel immediately.

1 Thank

Sorry my man. We are still trying to fix the issue, I can’t provide a specific time

2 Thanks

Yep, I always rush to battlefield at quick if no trivial job. The busy life stumble me :skull:

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