Wurkkos TS12 (N3535B Emitter) | Review & Beamshots + Night Walk!!

So greenish emmiter. New one listed on Wurrkos site seems to be more white.

Their website states that they have a new batch eliminating the greenness- Just pulled the trigger to check one out.

2 Thanks

Boy this thing is Awesome! Yes it is greenish on moonlight but loses that on all other levels.
Bought one for a friend and opened it up to check it out so got one for myself also.
Fantastic little thrower makes my Weltool T1Pro look like a ts10.
I have tried many Wurkkos lights and was not impressed with any as they felt cheap but the TS12 with Skilhunt M150 clip is sweet.

I love it, although I hate the green tint.

USB charging cables, I can probably fill a five gallon bucket.

Awesome review.

There is a review with runtime graphs for the TS12 here:

Wurkkos TS12 Review (Budget Pocket Thrower!) – LiquidRetro.Net's Reviews.