XML/XPG 16mm sinkpads

for sure i will get 5x xml ,maybe more.
great design btw.

The design looks great. I did like the "BLF" on each board on one of the previous versions. So that if they find me dead somewhere with a burning flaslight on me, (if they have nothing better do do) they might trace the victim to here .

i just wonder once these are made how fast sinkpad and other board makers copy’s it

I have to extend a Big Thank You to Pilot Ptk for the work done on these, that final design is perfect on so many levels.

Also a big thank you to Nitro for this venture.

Would it be possible to have BLF on the boards? Not a biggie but it would be cool. After all your work on this Pilot, I think it should have your sig on it as well :wink:

And for the record, yes I’m in for a sheet of these 8 xml and 7 xpg.

i need to know the measurements for the soldering pads, so i measured the 20mm sinkpads soldering pads and it is 3.77mm wide and 2.65mm high

does that sound ok ? or do u want them smaller or larger but i dont want square soldering pads i think oval looks nicer

I’m in for 4 XML and 4 XPG

I like the design, a lot, so I'm in for one sheet (= 8 x XM-L + 7 x XP-G)

SIMPLY BRILLIANT! Its amazing that these havent already been copied by our “creative” friends back in china. Just give them a few more hours… :Sp

PilotPTK - How difficult would it be to add a 14mm reference ring to make cutting them to that size a no-brainer? Im happy with the existing contact pads and the rest of the design looks fantastic.

Excellent design but it could be problematic for manufacturing process, there is very little “meat” left between led pad and wire cutouts and they do punch central portion of led pad from beneath the star… Let’s see what sinkpad will say.

Technically, this is intellectual property, belonging to BLF. This was a collab wikimake. Just put BLF screened on it, and the design belongs to us. We can all retire, and move in with ezarc, or scaru, or gords, … :party:

I am in for 5 each

I’m in for 15 xml

“Shouldn’t” Be a problem. I’ve never dealt with SinkPAD directly - but most manufacturer’s of this type of thing punch the raised pads and etch the circuit board before routing the cut-outs. It shouldn’t pose any issue.


Not at all difficult. I’d like to group any remaining changes into one final update, however - so I’ll let nitro keep track of any requested modifications and he can let me know what needs to be done for the final revision before release.


Putting B.L.F. or a small logo on the boards is a piece of cake. Again, if nitro would please keep track of any modifications and let me know what changes to make for the release.

I am happy to have helped, but I have no desire to have my sig on the boards - this is nitro’s project, I just volunteered some of my time.



5 XM-L
5 XP-G

Just to make sure: These don’t have an insulating layer in their center LED pad?

In that price of <3$ each, the tool cost is included?

How about shipping?

This info is probably somewhere in the other posts, but I’m too lazy to search for it…

Thanks for the quick reply and all the work youve done. I think the 14mm ring will be useful for anyone trying to trim them to that size.

If we get them done with 8XML/7XPG per sheet, I’d probably take a whole sheet too.