Guys, I need your advice.
Looking for a headlight to use during cycling.
It has to be 4000K,18650. Short to medium range.
I found 2 that I’m seriously considering. Armytec wizard pro warm and zebra H604c xhp50.2 4000K.
But in totally confused which should I choose and why.
Or… doesn’t really matter? Or maybe something different?
Please advise.
I don’t own any of the mentioned brands, nor the one I’ll indicate, but Skilhunt has some popular models at nice prices (with the coupon discounts from the affiliate members).
Oh, in that case, forget my suggestion :innocent:
Hum, I’m not sure about the colour temps they offer too :zipper_mouth_face:
The Acebeam H20 I have has a more or less those 4000K with XPL-HI and a OP reflector. However, it produces a very wide floody beam, not “throwy”, so I don’t know how good it would be for you! (Also, a long press for ON/OFF may not be the best for cycling)
I guess you realize that h604 is going to be total floor with little distance reach. It’s going to light everything in front of you excellent, but down the road not so much. Lot of people raving about the thrunite th30. I have the zebra h600w and it has good flood with some reach out there which you will appreciate when you need it. Zebralight is the most top quality of just about anything out there. Never failed me and I have 3 of there headlamps
I own both the H604c and Wizard pro warm. Both are excellent but I would not consider the H604c for cycling; it is way too floody. Unless you aim it almost straight down and supplement it with another light for more distance. If you only want one, I would choose either the Armytek or the H600Fc (similar beam to Armytek) or H600c (slightly throwier) instead.
The H604c is pure 120° flood, it doesn't use any optic (this is sometime also referred to as a "mule"). It is the best choice for close up work, because your entire field of vision is lit up evenly and without any distracting hotspots or sharp drop offs, however it also means that it has very little reach (very low Candela per Lumen). It is okay up to walking speeds, but the light simply doesn't travel far enough for anything faster than that (IMO).
For jogging/running or cycling I would recommend the H600Fc Mk. IV (or Mk. III if you want to save some money). It has more reach with more light at the center and an even drop off towards the sides. The beamprofile is of the H600Fc is comparable to the Wizard (the Wizard has a bit less spill, i.e. less light at your feet). A direct comparison between of the beamprofiles can be found at (use slider a the bottom), the comparison in the link is between a H600Fw Mk. III and a H603w, but the beamprofile is the same for the current generation "c" models. I would also recommend having a look at the TLF beamshot collection (ArmyTek and Zebralight, lots of scrolling down needed).
There is also the H600c Mk. IV which has the classic beamprofile of a light with a reflector, but the sharp drop off at the edge of the beam and the hotspot can be a bit distracting (IMO).
I’ve used an Armytek Wizard Pro WW and tried a H604c and the beam of the Armytek is much more useful for cycling since it has more range. That being said I much prefer my PL47 or my other modded headlamps with Anduril for cycling as they have a nice bike strobe mode with adjustable brightness.
Very true! The PL47 does have the bike strobe and you can increase or decrease the bike strobe brightness. Plus over 4000 lumens at you disposal is good the have. It has good flood and reach with the optics they use, but quality control sucks. So you will be rolling the dice with fireflies, yet they are cheap compared to zebra/army……
Between the two options you mentioned, Wizard pro beam profile will be way more useful. The closest comparison from ZL would be the h600fc mk4. I would pick the ZL h600fc mk4 over the Armytek because it’s more refined, nicer build quality, better UI, and most importantly, high CRI.
Many thanks guys, I knew I can count on you.
So Armytec seems to take leading. Also thanks for recommending PL47. I already have it, like it, but until I get real headband, it is not useful. I’m just looking for second/subsidiary headlight that I could rely on. Want to replace my Fenix H30R, which is not 4000k.
I see you live in Poland and the polish AT distributor,Wojtek Jagielski, takes his task seriously so you would have the light within a day or two delivered by courier and a real 10 years hassle free guarantee.
Agreed, though I am fond of Armytek’s Pro UI. Comparing stock lights I would almost always prefer the Zebralight unless I absolutely must have a tail magnet or USB charging.
CRI is nothing without good tint, and the tint on the Fc Mk IV is doubtful and a huge lottery. That’s the main reason I sold it, the mediocre 219C 4000K outperformed it with higher CRI and a better tint, and the tint on the 219C isn’t really great so that says a lot.
I have over a dozen headlights. The best is by far the Armytek Tiara Pro modded by 4xE21A emitters. The tint and color rendering is absolutely gorgeous and the light is super efficient for the size. It can also sustain peak output almost indefinitely with the 18650 extension tube. I bought my E21A modded Tiaras from Clemence at You can PM him here to see if he still makes them.