According to the zebralight spreadsheet the H52w and H52Fw should be out on September 2013!
Specs seem to be comparable to the sc52… Including the use of 14500 (500lm)
The other aa headtorch prices have gone down
According to the zebralight spreadsheet the H52w and H52Fw should be out on September 2013!
Specs seem to be comparable to the sc52… Including the use of 14500 (500lm)
The other aa headtorch prices have gone down
Note the H52w is spill + spot which is more accurate terminology. The H52Fw is of interest to me. Thanks for posting!
I still have a hard time believing anything they say (they’ve told me and many many others “it’s coming next month” since this past spring but atleast the pric drop is a promising sign. I may have to pick up another H51Fw before they sell out, that’s not a bad price really.
While I 100% agree you can’t believe time/dates from ZL it is very promising that they dropped the prices on all the older models (H51x, H31x, H501x). They’re not going to drop the prices across the board if they didnt have something new coming up soon.
I am also waiting for the new H52
I love the Zebralight headlamp, I also H51w gave me a lot of satisfaction even if I use more often H600
You can get a Headlamp "F" using at the moment of need magic tape or DC Fix.
I have just written a post on the Italian forum tonight where there are many pictures. (Photos related to H51w)
Clearly a version F or H502/H602 will be a better success, important to use a DC Fix or magic tape properly.
I saw the discounted prices Zebralight, I purchased a H31w which should arrive soon but I'm looking forward to seeing H52.
Terrible translation by Google :)
Google translation isnt that terrible, really :D!
So, who knows, when and for how much will H52 be available?
I'm anxious to see if it'll do sublumens with a 14500. The H600v2 comes in at a scant 39 grams. I'd like to see this weigh <35 grams. That will make it very appealing to me. I won't be the first to buy it though. Not for a long time because Zebralight resists saying how big their battery tubes are, so I have to wait for a plethora of reviews before I'm willing to put money down on it.
not out yet but accessories are already marked for h52…
It looks like they dont have their Xx1 series on sale anymore, ie, they sell them at regular prices.
Just noticed that a lot of flashlights are gone from the ZLs website… hope to get the new refreshed ones soon… h52w :heart_eyes:
Also SC62d, SC32d, H32w, H32Fw, H302w are on the spreadsheet for September
H52 and H52Fw are now up on zebralight page but not on sale yet. I was hoping different design but it seems that the body is the same as H51, just the emitter swap.
I hope the body will change a bit, these are only old stock photos so the page is not empty
I’m afraid that´s not the case. There are some very minor changes compared to H51. H52 has two clip grooves (on bottom and on top/middle), small design differences around the switch, and of course larger XM-L2 emitter and nice feature - H52 is smaller( diameter 21.8 mm vs 23mm on H51 and overall lenght 76.5 mm vs 81 mm on H51).
Oh, now I see. thanks!
Hope I can get my hands on one soon
Larger and brighter, but slightly cooler neutral white (4200K vs. 4400K)?
H52fw, my next flashlight purchase. Yay.
The UI seems to be a little different from the SC52. link
Beacon-strobe mode can be accessed from 3 short-clicks when the light is Off. Once in the beacon-strobe mode, you can double-click to cycle through different types of beacons and strobes. Beacon-strobe settings are memorized when the light is turned off and through battery changes.
H52fw, my next flashlight purchase. Yay. The UI seems to be a little different from the SC52. “link”: Beacon-strobe mode can be accessed from 3 short-clicks when the light is Off. Once in the beacon-strobe mode, you can double-click to cycle through different types of beacons and strobes. Beacon-strobe settings are memorized when the light is turned off and through battery changes.
Hmm, I like this UI change! Definitely a step in the right direction.
Hmm, I like this UI change! Definitely a step in the right direction.
I think I will like it. Trust in Zebralight, they have yet to let me down.
Zebralight is like having my own custom flashlight builder. They know what I like better than I know myself. Their customer service has left me scratching my head from time to time, but they have always come through in the end.
So far I've only been disappointed by the fact that it looks like they are dropping the S6330.
The present selection of modes is where I have to give a lot of credit to them... I find myself liking the spacing on their lights even more than infinitely variable from other companies. That and of course the size.