Zooming C8 Host with De-domed XP-G2 - Complete with average beamshots

If you want more performance forget the 7135’s. All you’re doing there is losing output thru heat and multiple added connections at the driver side instead of letting the emitter lose it instead in shear brightness to whatever that particular emitter is capable of putting out. And every emitter to boot is different. XPG2 can handle more current than you’d think assuming there’s an decently adequate thermal loss path under the star. If an Xpg2 can handle a 26650 direct drive fully charged it’ll handle most 18650’s too unless maybe if you’re talking an A123 or something.

Let the dog run! lol

Oh and LSK, when you say ‘zooming’ host, what is the hotspot like?

Is it the square variety?


So how do you go about direct driving the emitter?

It’s round when on full flood but when zoomed in it projects a perfect image of the emitter. Although the focal point isn’t very good and at that point it has lost brightness.

I used a 20.4mm contact board from intl outdoor, +ve wire in the middle -ve wire to the edge, solder on a spring, attach to star, lash on some thermal greasy stuff….you have a single mode superbright torch!

Read this mate

From what I gather, the loss is down to the crap optics, direct drive it, better optics, and guide the planes in!!!

Oh right so its just the same but you use the blank contact board instead of the driver. Oh well, that will be the next project.

Maybe a dereelight nightmaster with a direct drive de-domed XP-G2

use these:


Cool, thanks for that!

You’ll have to sand the edges down a tad to get it to fit!

Plus, try these:


Or these:


Thanks, I already have the wires. I ordered a bunch of stuff from IOS a while back, wire, spare AR lenses, a whole heap of different sized springs, heaps of rubber boots, gaskets, emitter centering gaskets, tweezers and I bought some Armtek Nyogel for the threads.

Now I just order the specific parts as I need them.

Who or what is IOS?

Oh wait….Intl Outdoor?

Intl Outdoor Store. The same place that you have been linking to. haha

Damn….too slow on the edit there!

how the f* do I add pics?

!image URL here!

from photobucket or something?

tried that, no good!

if you copy the link from photobucket it will have on either end. Thats no good. you need just the www.sdfadsfasdf.jpg etc with the exclamation marks either side.

I’ll try later lol

Nice job LSX on the completion of your build. I’m looking forward to your next mod.